Existence is Self-Complete

Q: Is the Self the ‘I’?

A: It is difficult for the mind to understand absolute self-identity.  The mind is used to thinking in terms of a subject and a predicate in which a statement adjuncts a noun with a verb, such as beingness or is-ness or doingness.  That which has existence is already total and complete or it would not exist.  Existence does not require dependence on some other condition.  Conditional existence is therefore an illusion of the ego/mind which believes that nothing exists except as dependent on something outside itself.  Existence is self-complete and unconditional. Existence is solely by the grace of God, by Divine ordinance. (This statement verifies at calibration level 998.) Appearance reflects conditions and is therefore transitory.

From I: Reality and Subjectivity, Ch. 7, pg. 200