The Path to Spiritual Advancement: How to Transcend the Ego and Experience the Presence of God (Jan & Feb 2002 lectures)


This is the first book of a six- book series, transcribed from the lectures presented in 2002 – the core lectures of Dr. Hawkins’ work.  This book comprises the transcribed lectures, presented in January and February 2002, entitled, Causality: The Ego’s Foundation & Radical Subjectivity: The “I” of Self, by Dr. Hawkins. We have kept the transcriptions as pure and as close to Dr. Hawkins’ voice as possible, but, have deleted redundancies and grammatical inconsistencies.

We are excited to share this book format with you and hope you receive the added inspiration to move forward on your spiritual pathway.

As you read  this book you will learn about:

Part 1:

  1. The Map of Consciousness chart from 0-1000 and how it came to be
  2. The Evolution of Consciousness and the importance of level 200
  3. The limitations of The Newtonian Paradigm and the description of Quantum Physics
  4. The Illusion of Causality – the great block to spiritual advancement
  5. Transcending the Ego through understanding it and re-contextualizing it.
  6. How One can move up the Levels of Consciousness through Spiritual Intention and Choice
  7. The purpose of Dr. Hawkins work – to realize the Presence of God

Part 2:

  1. “Radical Subjectivity” The essence of the experiencing the Presence of God as “I”
  2. The spiritual realm is based on context and is a different paradigm
  3. The role of Karma in a person’s life
  4. Existence vs. Non-Existence – the great conundrum that Dr. Hawkins faced
  5. The Power of Divinity – There is only one variable
  6. How does one surrender the ego to God? Through Radical Honesty

These are just a few topics of the many Dr. Hawkins talks about in this book.  It can be a companion to the actual lectures on video or audio format by Dr. Hawkins or as stand-alone reading that will inspire and encourage a person along their spiritual path.

Dr. Hawkins tells us that we are safe and to trust that safety in the Truth and Loving Presence of Divinity itself. We are enthused that this reading  will give you a sense of that love and safety and spur you onward and upward.

Available for purchase through: Amazon and Hay House, Inc.

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