Handling Spiritual Challenges (Apr 2010)

Trailer – Handling Spiritual Challenges (Apr 2010) “Gloria In Excelsis Deo,” “All Praise to Thee, Oh, Lord, Most High, Amen” is how Dr. Hawkins began Handling Spiritual Challenges April 2010…

Dr. Hawkins

…to present a spiritual path that is scientifically compelling to modern society. The classical hallmarks of this state are pristine awareness of Ultimate Reality, compassion for all beings, tireless dedication…

Terms and Conditions

The Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc. dba Veritas Publishing (“Company”) provides their services to you subject to the following conditions. If you visit our web site https://www.veritaspub.com you accept these…

What is Truth? The Absolute (Jul 2007)

…experiential. Spiritual decisions and declarations change your life, elevate your level of consciousness, and bring you closer to knowing Truth. Enhance your comprehension of these challenging statements by listening to…

Spiritual Practice and Daily Life (Oct 2006)

…role of “intention” and the challenges around trying to control the outcome of something rather than surrendering it to God. Dr. Hawkins’ responses to questions from the audience on this…