Stick by One’s Principles

True strength and power comes from the ability to stick by one’s principle’s no matter what… The rule is: no compromise with that which benefits and supports the lives of everyone, that which inspires, that which uplifts, that which validates, and that which honors life.  Success comes from understanding the nature of life.  Once it is comprehended, nothing but success is possible. This doesn’t mean that struggle may not ensue; in overcoming old ways of being and adopting new ones, there may indeed be a period of struggle.

Daily Reflections from Dr. David R. Hawkins 365 Contemplations on Surrender, Healing and Consciousness. Pg.130.


Dedication is a more important sign of integrity than enthusiasm.  It is necessary to have faith in a pathway and clear away doubts to ascertain if they are realistic or merely forms of resistance.  A seeker should have the security and support of inner certainty and firm conviction that are consequent to study, personal research, and investigation. Thus, a pathway should be intrinsically reconfirming by discovery and inner experience.  A true pathway unfolds, is self-revelatory, and is subject to reconfirm action experiential.

Daily Reflections from Dr. David R. Hawkins: 365 Contemplations on Surrender, Healing, and  Consciousness, pg. 23.

Contemplation Practices

Contemplation is continuous.  It’s like you’re constantly paying attention to one thing.  Let’s say that your assignment for the day is to become aware of the intrinsic perfection and beauty of all that exists, the holiness and the sacredness of all of creation  Wow. That’ll keep you busy for the next 20, 30 years! But in the orientation, you say, “Dear God, I’m trying to see the perfection and beauty of all of existence and I ask for thy blessing.”  There’s supplication to God to help you on this trip and then you’ve stated your intention.  Your intention is to go beyond the linear, beyond perception, beyond your thoughts, opinions, and all of that narcissistic stuff about the world, and see the world s it exists  You’re going past differentiation between perception and essence.

What you’re really asking in meditation and contemplation is to go beyond duality, to stop interpreting perception as reality.  Instead, to sense the essence of things, to sense the exquisite.  For instance, this morning I walked around and it was still dark, and suddenly in the darkness, I heard this loud purr.  And that was my white kitty, picking up the energy of that which I am.  When I pick up his energy, the interaction of those two energies sends us both into a state of bliss, happiness, contentment, ad love, with the joyful presence of God.

The Wisdom of Dr. David R. Hawkins: Classic Teachings on Spiritual Truth and Enlightenment, Ch. 8, pg. 145-146.   Purchase this book through Amazon or Hay House, Inc.


The Willingness to Surrender


The Willingness to surrender the payoff of the ego allows you to let everything go experientially as it arises.  This includes the payoff of grief, anger, resentment, or hatred. With surrender, you have to choose.  What do you surrender to God in the way of surrender? What does devotion mean? I love thee, Oh Lord, greater than I love the glee I get out of my hatreds, my wickedness, my shame, my guilt, my revenge.  Either you love God or you love self-pity.  It’s always really a choice.  Am I willing to surrender this for the love of God, or not?  To become enlightened, that power has to be strong.  You have to be willing to give up everything for God…This is because at the last moment before the ultimate experience reveals itself ( or condition takes over, rather), you will be asked to surrender your life.

The Wisdom of Dr. David R. Hawkins, Ch. 5, pg. 69-70


Is Any Endeavor that is not ‘Spiritual’ a Waste of Time?

It is not the action itself but the context of that action which determines whether it is spiritual or not.  Context is set by intention. Motive, though, is what makes the difference. One can earn money out of love for one’s family, company, country, or all mankind, or one can make money out of fear, greed, or selfishness.  If we view our work as a contribution to society, it then becomes a gift no matter how seemingly simple it may be.  To peel potatoes out of love for one’s family or for the benefit of those who need to eat is spiritually uplifting to the Self and the world.

One makes a gift of one’s life and endeavors by sanctifying it with love, devotion, and selfless service.  That is the way of the heart to God. In that way, domestic life becomes a form of worship and the source of joy to all.  When one seeks to uplift others, we are uplifted in the process.  Giving is therefore self-rewarding for there is actually no ‘other’ that is being given to.  Every kind thought or smile is therefore spiritual and benefits oneself as well as all the world.

The Eye of the I, Ch. 17, pg. 252