Frequently Asked Questions

Contacting Veritas Publishing

The Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc.

Kinesiology (Muscle Testing)

Study Groups


Critics and Skeptics


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How do I contact Veritas Publishing?

If you have a personal question, or a question regarding any of Dr. Hawkins’ books or products, please email us at info@veritaspub.com or you can call us at (928) 282-5446.
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May I submit my work to Veritas Publishing for perusal and/or a potential endorsement?

The Veritas staff are unable to review, evaluate, calibrate, publish, or endorse unsolicited materials due to the time constraints. Our intention at Veritas Publishing is to keep Dr. Hawkins’ work alive and available throughout the world.
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Does Veritas Publishing publish books for other authors?

No. It exists for the purpose of publishing and distributing the writings and multimedia productions of Dr. Hawkins. Veritas Publishing does not accept unsolicited manuscripts.
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How can I become involved in Dr. Hawkins’ work?

Begin by reading his books, watching his lectures, and applying the lessons in your daily life. If you are asked about Dr. Hawkins, share the information you have learned with others and direct them to veritaspub.com so they can find out more about Dr. Hawkins.  We teach others by allowing our lives to be an example of unconditional love, understanding, and compassion.

Please Note: Sharing with others does not mean that you have permission to upload your own lecture clips, or create your own videos talking about Dr. Hawkins’ work, or post Dr. Hawkins’ quotes across the internet.  Permission is not granted to do this.  This is a copyright infringement.  Also, though we recognize that many are excited about Dr. Hawkins’ Map of ConsciousnessÂź, it is both trademarked and copyrighted, Permission will not be granted to display it, include it, or copy it in any way.

If a person asks, you can gift a person a Dr. Hawkins’ book or refer them to our website, www.veritaspub.com, Amazon, or Hay House, Inc. to find out more about Dr. Hawkins books.  You can also let a person know that the Map of ConsciousnessÂź is also included in Dr. Hawkins books.

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I need advice on how to find the right spiritual teacher and what it should cost.

Dr. Hawkins was a spiritual teacher, not a guru, celebrating the process of enlightenment in his talks and writings. The healing can happen simply from receiving the truth of his message. Dr. Hawkins often said, “A true spiritual teacher is literally a ‘Mind Healer’ “The healing offered has nothing to do with money. It is the teacher’s intention to offer tools for enlightenment – the “gift” is extended whether money is present or not.” He also said, “If a teacher says you cannot receive the mind healing without giving money, he is not a spiritual teacher.”

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“Artifact”, Positionality”, “Integrous”, etc.: Where do these words come from?

Artifact is used in its customary but unique medical definition as something that is “foreign, false, or misleading.” In medicine, an artifact is a fault that could be mistaken for the real, e.g., a residual stain or a speck of dust that, under the microscope, could be mistaken for a bacterium. The use of the term is therefore not the more common one that means an archeological object of antiquity; in this case, it means “spurious.”

Integrous: A person with integrity. (From The Oxford English Dictionary (Second Edition), defined as “the adjectival form of ‘integrity’, meaning ‘marked by integrity’.)

Positionality refers to the viewpoint from which a person makes a judgment or determination about a thing, person, idea, concept, etc., or forms an opinion about something. The plural form may include a group of opinions about general topics or a specific topic. One might substitute “position” but it does not “work” quite as well.

Substrate, from ‘substratum’:

  1. (a) An underlying layer; (b) A layer of earth beneath the surface soil; subsoil.
  2. A foundation or groundwork.
  3. The material on which another material is coated or fabricated.
  4. Philosophy. The characterless substance that supports attributes of reality.

Dr. Hawkins frequently modified “standard” words to emphasize his writing. There are several words in his books that you will not find in standard dictionaries. In the editing process, we endeavor to keep the “voice” of Dr. Hawkins in his books. In his lectures, he sometimes used these “unorthodox” terms and his audience would miss them if they were eliminated from the writing.

There is a purposeful repetition of certain themes and statements in the books. Each repetition is presented in a different context and sequence, thus providing clarification and emphasizing its overall importance.

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I am interested in working at the Institute for Spiritual Research

The Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc. is a non-profit organization that supports Dr. Hawkins’ publishing company, Veritas Publishing. There are currently no openings.

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What is the Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc.?

The Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, IRS tax exempt ID #94-2898927. It is responsible for all of Dr. Hawkins’ books and his extensive body of work which includes all lectures on DVD or MP4 formats, and CD  or MP3 formats, The Volume Series, The Office Series his “On the Road Talk Series, and the Map of Consciousness¼. The Institute is not presently open to the public and does not have accommodations for visitors or overnight guests. The Institute does not perform calibrations for others.
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I would like to make a donation to The Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc.

If would like to donate to The Institute, you can make an offering through PayPal on our website Donation page, or by sending a check or money order in US funds to The Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc., PO Box 3516, Sedona, AZ 86340.

We appreciate your generous donations. They help to keep Dr. Hawkins’ inspiring work vibrant and accessible throughout the world.

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I would like to learn more about kinesiology (Muscle Testing )

Just as Galileo’s interest was in astronomy and not the telescope, The Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc. is devoted to Consciousness research and not specifically to kinesiology itself. However, we offer the following items in video formats through our Streaming Video Service, that demonstrate kinesiology: Power vs. Force, Volume One and Consciousness: How to Tell the Truth About Anything, Volume Four. Both are available by selecting the heading, “Volume Series” under the tab, Streaming.
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Can you tell the future with kinesiology?

Kinesiology is used to determine the presence of truth or its absence (non-truth). One can inquire about anything that has happened anytime, anywhere in time or space in the past or present. As the future has not happened yet, it does not exist, and there is no truth to be determined about something that does not exist.
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Can anyone do kinesiology?

Kinesiology can be done effectively only by persons who calibrate above the level of Truth and Integrity at consciousness level 200. The motive for the inquiry must also be above 200.
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Does Veritas Publishing supervise web sites or study groups?

Each study group and website is autonomous and independent. Veritas Publishing is not affiliated with any group or website. None is “connected with”, “supervised by”, or “authorized by”, -that is, no group is “special” or “favored”. There are guidelines that a person can follow by going to our website, under the tab, Study Groups. These guidelines are in accordance with the style of the very successful “12-step” or “A Course in Miracles” groups. Each group elects or rotates facilitators or group chairpersons and is self-sustaining. As with AA, Al-Anon, Miracles groups, etc., there are no financial charges or fees nor is any group facilitator authorized to charge for advice, calibrations, etc.

In addition, please note that the reproduction of the copyrighted and trademarked Map of ConsciousnessÂź, as well as all the charts, diagrams, and tables in any of the publications by Dr. Hawkins is prohibited by International Copyright and Trademark laws.

We would appreciate your posting these guidelines on your web site or announcing it at your local study groups.
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How do I start a study group?

Invite like-minded friends and their friends to get together regularly to discuss the books or view the video tapes. Discuss ways to incorporate the principles in your lives. Practice the technique of kinesiology with others. A Web site could be created for your area (see examples in the browsers listed under “Dr. David Hawkins Study Groups” for ideas).

For a more comprehensive answer to this question, please visit Study Groups.
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I would like to attend the Yearly Sedona Event held in honor of Dr. Hawkins

Currently, Veritas Publishing does not host a special event celebrating the work of Dr. Hawkins.

If that were to change, we would announce the event through our newsletter and tickets will be available for purchase from our website page, Events. An E-newsletter will be sent out announcing when registration is open.

If you do not have access to a computer, you can call us at (928) 282-4951 or email us at info@veritaspub.com.
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About Sedona

Go online to the Sedona Chamber of Commerce or call (800) 228-7336.
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About the Sedona Creative Life Center

Go online to the Sedona Creative Life Center or call (928) 282-9300.
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Clarification of Consciousness Research

The emergence of new, advanced information in any field expectedly raises questions and the need for further explanation and added details. Considering the sheer mass of information revealed and conveyed over thirty years via numerous books in all the world’s languages, as well as lectures, presentations, and study groups worldwide, the number of questions has actually been relatively few considering that over 250,000 calibrations have been performed and circulated.


Skepticism is a form of a (rather grandiose) negative approach and calibrates at 160, as does The Skeptic’s Dictionary. It is also associated with thinly disguised animosity towards God, religion, and spirituality. Its main defect is that it is unable to comprehend nonlinear reality, which is the consequence of context as well as essence. Perception is a projection of bias, as noted by Descartes (res interna vs. res externa) as well as Socrates. All the skeptic’s arguments (disproved by Plato, Socrates, et al. centuries ago), as well as criticism and correspondence, calibrate from 160 to 190. Alas, skeptics are unable to perform consciousness calibrations because it requires that both of the participants as well as the intention of the question calibrate over 200. (None have done so thus far.) The subject is addressed in an entire chapter of a forthcoming book (Spiritual Reality and Modern Man).

The inability of skepticism to discern the nonlinear reality of essence and its intrinsic truth is a consequence of the brain physiology that is concordant with consciousness levels below 200 (as per lectures and book diagram). Thus, it scorns faith and the Reality of Divinity and ignores, for instance, that millions of people have recovered from hopeless, incurable illnesses via the Spiritual Reality of the twelve-step programs (AA). Skepticism itself has been roundly criticized and exposed as fallacious by recent studies reported in the Journal of Consciousness Studies and the Journal of Scientific Exploration (Eisenstein, “Skepticism As a State of Being.” 19:3, 2005). It was proven to be fallacious by the greatest minds over the centuries as explained by the authors of The Great Books of the Western World.

Note: The biography of Dr. Hawkins written by Scott Jeffrey, entitled, “Doctor of Truth” was not  authorized by Dr. Hawkins.  Scott Jeffrey stopped his communication with Dr. Hawkins and with Veritas, and the final draft of this book was never shown to Dr. Hawkins for either his blessing or for his authorization.

Hay House Publishing, who originally contracted with Scott Jeffrey to publish this book ,  decided not to publish it. Instead, Scott Jeffrey elected to self-publish.

We are no longer associated with the Consciousness Project website or Scott Jeffrey in any capacity and do not endorse this biography.

Kinesiology (Muscle Testing)

The requirement is that both participants as well as their intention calibrate over 200. The correct technique has to be followed. All of the purportedly negative reports received on kinesiology calibrate below 200. None of them was about consciousness calibration.

The correct procedure has been demonstrated repeatedly in front of large audiences worldwide. For example, in front of a class in Korea, Dr. Moon held up a bag of cabbage in response to which the whole class went weak. She then held up another identical-appearing bag of cabbage, and the whole class went strong. The first bag contained cabbage that had been grown with pesticides; the second was organically grown and free of them. This type of demonstration has been repeated in front of numerous audiences.


The work has nothing to do with dowsing. With dowsing, both the questioner and the respondent are the same person and therefore prone to error. With the consciousness research technique, the questioner holds a statement silently in mind, and the response of the second person is to the essence of the question, e.g., “ What I am holding in mind calibrates over 100 – over 200 – over 300, etc.” until the respondent’s arm goes weak.

Kinesiological Response

The arm technique is used because it is quick, easy, and highly visible. However, the response actually is not just muscle resistance but also a widespread array of physiological responses, such as pupillary dilation and brain function (currently the subject of multimillion-dollar research projects conducted by U.S. government intelligence agencies), along with gastric motility and other autonomic nervous system responses. These are detectable in a laboratory and therefore not practical for quick, everyday use.

Personal Bias

This is the primary reason for disagreement. Criticisms come from (1) atheists, (2) political bias, (3) people who calibrate below 200, (4) people who are upset by findings, and (5) relativists who reject the confirmable Reality of Absolutism. Note that skepticism, relativism, and cynicism all calibrate far below the critical level of 200. In contrast, Absolutism calibrates at 650, and the reality of the Absolute itself calibrates at 1,000.


These represent primarily the consequence of being unable to differentiate truth (nonlinear reality) from appearance, perception, or opinion.


The entry about Dr. Hawkins (which calibrates at 190) contains many errors as well as rather gross distortions and misrepresentations of the work. It rambles on about “dowsing” and “the unconscious,” neither of which has anything to do with Dr. Hawkins’ writings, which are devoted to the study of consciousness, not the unconscious. The work merely reports findings on over 250,000 calibrations over a thirty-year period. The works are peer reviewed. Having taught many thousands of people worldwide how to tell truth from falsehood, the author of the works obviously was not inclined to make any false “claims” or statements.

Purpose of the Work

As denoted in all writings, the purpose is to discern truth (essence) from falsehood (appearance, opinion) and thereby advance the level of consciousness to bring about greater happiness, success, spiritual advancement, and the relief of human suffering.

Validity Criticisms

The primary characteristic of critics thus far is irrelevancy. They lack comprehension of the material and thus end up as the futility of the “straw man” fallacy. The same applies to ad hominem attacks. It is amusing that not a single critic thus far has actually read and comprehended any of the published works (most never even read one book), and none of the critics has calibrated over 200.

The primary animosity arises from the fact that Dr. Hawkins is an Absolutist and is critical of the rhetoric and sophistry of Relativism. He is also a Deist by virtue of his own spiritual states of consciousness.

As noted in the article “Cosmic Conundrum” (Lemonick and Nash, 2004, Time, 29 November), “Dealing with cranks is an occupational hazard for most scientists. . . . Those who study the cosmos . . . tend to be bombarded with letters, calls and e-mails from would-be geniuses who insist they have refuted Einstein or devised a new theory of gravity or disproved the Big Bang. The telltale signs of crankdom are . . . consistent—a grandiose theory, minimal credentials, a messianic zeal [and] scientists can usually spot them a mile off.”

It is obvious that the critics are unable to discern truth (essence, nonlinear) from falsehood (appearance). They would do well to actually read the definitive work on the subject entitled Truth vs. Falsehood.

Clinical Expertise

Information presented in lectures and books is also derived from fifty years of clinical experience plus extensive subjective spiritual experiences that have been described only briefly thus far and will be amplified in future writings and lectures. These have been alluded to in Transcending the Levels of Consciousness and Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional NonDuality.

Negation of Relativistic Criticisms

The Relativist positionality is based on the premise that all viewpoints are equally valid (“One man’s terrorist is another man’s liberator,” etc.). Thus, if a relativist is integrous or honest, then they must therefore admit that Absolutism is an equally valid alternative to relativism itself. The issues that have been raised will be answered fully in the forthcoming book, Spiritual Reality and Modern Man.


Consciousness calibration is impersonal; it just denotes a number. Dr. Hawkins was not a proselytizer nor interested in persuading people. He had no personal involvement in the calibration numbers. Thus, the criticisms that start with “You say,” or “How come Dr. Hawkins believes,” etc., are all projections of the questioner’s own narcissism. Note that all the major books include extensive references and documentation.

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