Dr. Hawkins Study Group in Iowa

looking at Saturday afternoons, but will change depending on the availability. Time to be determined.

The intention of this group is to share and discuss the teachings of Dr. David R. Hawkins.  I would like to start by reading what Dr. Hawkins considers The Trilogy, starting with, “Power vs. Force, then “The Eye of the ‘I’, followed by “I”: Reality & Subjectivity.

Contact Person: Raymond Kim – raymondkim0927@gmail.com

Dr. David Hawkins study group, Oslo, Norway

We would like to meet in person on Tuesdays. Time to be determined.

This is a study group for all Dr. David Hawkins students in Norway or other students who might want to join!
The only requirement for membership is a desire to advance spiritual awareness and enlightenment.
This group is aligned with and devoted to the teachings of David R Hawkins, MD, PhD.

Contact person: Lyder Prag Sømme

Dr. Hawkins Study Group of Las Cruces

The intent for the group is to serve as a vehicle of Divine will, an opportunity to keep holy company, and support our advancement of consciousness in service of God and humanity.

Contact Person: Bennett Jimenez  Meeting: Sunday, 11 am PST

Dr. David R. Hawkins Study Group (North London)

Contact person: Sebastian Sundvik

We read Doc’s books, and share our experience, strength and hope in the context of Dr. Hawkins’ teaching.

On-line every Thursday at 7pm London time.

One Thursday a month in-person

David R. Hawkins Study Group in Washington

Contact Person: Stan Yanev     Meeting Day: Mondays, 6 – 8pm

This group is aligned with and devoted to the teachings of David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD.  The intent for the group is to serve as a vehicle of Divine Will, an opportunity to keep holy company, and support our advancement of consciousness in service of God and humanity.