Dr. Hawkins Devotional Nonduality group

This group is aligned with and devoted to the teachings of David R Hawkins, MD, Ph.D. The intent for the group is to serve as a vehicle of Divine will, an opportunity to keep holy company, and support our advancement of consciousness in service of God and humanity. Please see the link below for more detailed information on the guidelines for Dr. Hawkins study groups which we try to follow:

Study Group Meetings are held using Zoom on most days, including Sunday.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: Read from Daily affirmation and then Silence 4-5 PM. Ā  Tuesday, Thursday: Read from Daily affirmation and then Silence 3-4 PM
Sunday: Regular study group meeting 12-2 PM The timing of all meetings except the Sunday meeting is subject to occasional variation.
If you are not a regular attendee of these meetings, it is best to email or text 214 679 1033 to confirm that the meeting you plan to attend is meeting, and its timing.



Dr. Hawkins Devotional Nonduality group
1712 Cross Bend Road
Plano TX 75023
United States