Thought and Ideation (Feb 2004)



Trailer – Thought and Ideation (Feb 2004)

In this in-depth lecture, “Thought and Ideation,” Dr. Hawkins discusses the levels of consciousness in general from the time of Christ up to the present. He reviews various charts that include the Map of Consciousness and creation vs. evolution. He also helps us to view the ego differently, explaining how demonizing it is actually a hindrance to spiritual progress and how the ego is just doing its job. We are also made aware of the American business culture and how it is changing, e.g., the increase in women executives, corporate scandal, the diminishing “good ol’ boy” network where things are slipped under the table, etc. In addition, he talks about what spirituality really is, what it is not, and the naiveté of the spiritual seeker.

Original Product Details:
Thought and Ideation
Three-Disc Set
Approx. running time: 5 Hours and 5 Minutes
Publisher: Veritas Publishing
ISBN-13: 9781933297910

Also suggested: Map of Consciousness or a selection from one of Dr. Hawkins’ books for further explanation of the levels of consciousness.