Witnessing and Observing (Oct 2004)



Trailer – Witnessing and Observing (Oct 2004)

In this ā€œWitnessing and Observingā€ in October 2004, Dr. Hawkins presents some crucial points of understanding, such as the fact that everything happens spontaneously and that nothing causes anything. Everything is an automatic consequence of the energy field. He shows how the power of oneā€™s intention brings about manifestation and how potentiality becomes actuality in and of itself because of the field.

He also explains the use of kinesiology, why people may not believe in it, and how the infinite field of consciousness instantly registers Truth. There is also a discussion on the calibratable level of consciousness at birth, its relationship to karma, karmic inheritance, and how we can undo past karma in this lifetime.

Dr. Hawkins talks about Love as a quality of Divinity, about guilt, and how to advance oneā€™s level of consciousness. He explains the nature of resistance and spiritual truth and that people cannot tell the truth from falsehood and are simply doing what they think is good.

The nature of Power vs. Force is also covered. In addition, there is no opposite to truth; the nature of the Heisenberg principle and its relation to the process of intention and collective intention. He tells us how we can uplift society by what we have become.

Finally, questions are answered at the end of this ā€œWitnessing and Observingā€ October 2004 DVD set. They include chronic illness, unconditional love, schizophrenia, kundalini energy, the etheric brain, karma, and karmic inheritance, some of the effects and benefits of doing spiritual work and being aligned with integrity are the necessity to avoid evil and negative people.

Original Product Details:
Three-Disc Set
Approx. running time: 5 Hours and 5 Minutes
Publisher: Veritas Publishing
ISBN-13: 9781933297958

Also suggested:Ā  Map of Consciousness or a selection from one of Dr. Hawkinsā€™ books for further explanation of the levels of consciousness.

Additional information

Weight 0.60 lbs