Handling Spiritual Challenges (Apr 2010)



Trailer – Handling Spiritual Challenges (Apr 2010)

“Gloria In Excelsis Deo,” “All Praise to Thee, Oh, Lord, Most High, Amen” is how Dr. Hawkins began Handling Spiritual Challenges April 2010 DVD, adding, “With that, we set the context of Reality for the Day.” We are all in good hands with Divinity!

In this powerful lecture, Dr. Hawkins goes through the process of the human lifetime, looking at the stresses and the spiritual challenges we all encounter. This lecture aims to help us see how to best handle the trials that we, as humans, automatically are subjected to from the very moment of birth.

Being born into this world itself is a sensory overwhelm, and Dr. Hawkins shares how he actually remembers when he was born and how it felt and its effect.

He also talks about “imprinting,” the many influences attitudes and programs that we receive at childhood, and how to recontextualize and let go of these programs. Awareness itself can bring about healing and spiritual progress.

Find out more by watching the Handling Spiritual Challenges April 2010 DVD today!

Original Product Details:
Three Disc Set
Approx. running time: 5 Hours
Publisher: Veritas PublishingVariations
ISBN-13: 978-1933885834

Also suggested:Ā  Map of Consciousness or a selection from one of Dr. Hawkinsā€™ books for further explanation of the levels of consciousness.

Additional information

Weight 0.60 lbs