Pain and Suffering



Pain and Suffering Trailer

In Pain and Suffering, Dr. Hawkins explains that pain and suffering are actually not identical, although the world firmly believes so. The successful handling of pain techniques that work instantly and bring about rapid healing are presented, along with clinical examples. Learn how to divorce pain from suffering, how to raise one’s pain threshold, and reduce pain inclination. Discover the falsity of the unconscious worship of suffering as penance. Dr. Hawkins also discusses the place acupuncture has for relieving pain. Does going to the dentist have to be painful? He states the answer is no.

Original Product Details:
Pain and Suffering (audio and video)
Running time: 1 Hour and 14 Minutes
One Disc
Publisher: Veritas Publishing





Also suggested:Ā  Map of Consciousness or a selection from one of Dr. Hawkinsā€™ books for further explanation of the levels of consciousness.

Additional information

Weight 0.13 lbs