The Power of Love: A Transformed Heart Changes the World (Book)



The Power of Love is dedicated to Dr. David R. Hawkins and Susan Hawkins. It is an inspiring chronicle of life-changing encounters, personal transformation and a vision of love that transcends the everyday definition. The author, Fran Grace, spent many years in close connection with Doc and Susan, and the book narrates the transformative effect of their love upon her life. The book includes close-ups of Doc and Susan in their home, and an in-depth interview with Doc on “Love in Everyday Life.” Before Doc passed away in 2012, he and Fran conceived of this book, as a teaching and transmission of love in its many facets and expressions. Doc and Susan calibrated a list of people for Fran to go meet, interview, learn from, and include in the book. These teachers come from all walks of life and spiritual traditions—a demonstration of Doc’s teaching that love is present everywhere. The book is unusual in its interweaving of high teachings on love from diverse teachers with the author’s honest sharing of her struggles to embody them.

The book was launched at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 2018 (with Susan Hawkins in attendance), and was awarded the Benjamin Franklin Silver Book Award (Inspirational category) in 2020. The book has received positive reviews, including this one from Dr. Francis X. Clooney, Jesuit Priest and Parkman Professor of Divinity, Harvard University, “More than eighty years after Paul Brunton’s famed Search in Secret India, we are blessed to have before us just such a book for our times, Fran Grace’s splendid and moving The Power of Love. It is full of gifts for the reader: visits with some of the most memorable spiritual figures of the past fifty years; Grace’s story of the journey of her own soul as scholar, practitioner, and graced human being; and for all of us, a narrative of love’s deep running and overflowing currents in today’s thirsting world. This is a book for a wide audience of seekers, travelers, and scholars.”

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Product Details: The Power of Love: A Transformed Heart Changes the World
Soft Cover 715 pages, 9″ x 6″
Author: Fran Grace – dedicated to Dr. David R. Hawkins & Susan Hawkins