What does it mean to surrender?

In ordinary life, we surrender a little bit. Under greater pressure, we are willing to surrender more and realize that we do not have to put ourselves under catastrophic pressure in order to be willing to surrender at great depth. The transformation of personality, the whole shift in one’s spiritual position, traditionally comes from surrendering at great depth.

What does it mean to surrender at great depth? How can we surrender at great depth without having to put ourselves through a terrible emotional catastrophe in order to accomplish the same spiritual work? By seeing the essential nature of the process, we become educated. Our positions shift and we are different in the way we are. We are willing to be with life in all its expressions. The willingness is then experienced as an inner state of aliveness. Arising from that is the willingness to take the chance because we now know that we are accompanied by something greater than the personal self. It is not the personal self that has to handle what comes up in life. The Infinite Presence that is always with us is more powerful than the human will and ego. The self brings pain and suffering; the Self radiates healing and peace.

from Healing and Recovery, ch. 8, pg. 261

9 thoughts on “What does it mean to surrender?”

  1. Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Mahaeishwsra, Guru Sakshat, Parabrahma,
    Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha

    Jai Guru Devo

  2. Went through a terrible emotional catastrophe, or dark night of the ego, last winter. Although awful at the time, it served its purpose. There has been a significant change in consciousness. This is a great message.

  3. The deep surrender to the Divine within, which Dr. Hawkins refers to, what I call holy surrender, when accompanied by radical humility, complete gratitude and enhanced forgiveness, can bring healing from any human belief, mental or physical, through alignment with Reality, the one Mind-Love which is All.

  4. I just started actively surrendering within the last year, and it is changing everything within. At first, I had to quiz my emotionally flat self into recognizing the velcro-like habits of holding on. My first discovery was the huge vat of resentment that I held for everyone and everything. I felt oddly joyous right along with the deep all-night weeping sorrow as I released this baggage. It has taken practice to learn what surrender “means” to me, or how to do it. Now I jump at the chance to recognize a Clingon, verbally offer it to Thee, O Lord, and behold the lightness that I feel in it’s absence.

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