Spiritualize Your Life

Thoughts & quotes from Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. & Susan Hawkins

Q:  If practically everything in one’s life depends on the evolution of the level of one’s consciousness, it would seem that, aside from mere survival needs, developing that level of consciousness would eclipse all other endeavors in importance.

A:  That would seem to be so, but that has to be integrated into the overall context of one’s life.  Endeavors and activities can remain the same but need to be recontextualized and repositioned within a spiritual framework.  To spiritualize one’s life, it is necessary only to shift one’s motive.  To constantly be aware of one’s actual motive tends to bring up positionality and the pairs of opposites, such as gain versus service or love versus greed.  These then become visible and are available for spiritual work because one is now conscious of them.

…In spiritual work, there is no tangible worldly gain to be acquired, but there is instead an inner reward of pleasure, satisfaction, delight, and even joy.  Goals replace gains as motives.

from I: Reality and Subjectivity, Ch. 5, pg. 155-156

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