All Life is Evolving Toward Its Perfection

Everyone is actually doing the best they can with what they have at the moment.  All of life is evolving toward its perfection.

It is possible to forgive our own past, as well as that of others, and to heal past resentments.  When we see the innocence in everyone, we can truly fulfill “loving our neighbor as ourselves.”

It is also possible to see the hidden gift in past events about which we have been resentful – including their possible karmic significance.  From the level of acceptance, it is possible to create a different context from which to view the past and thereby heal it.

    1. Write about a past event or behavior that you haven’t forgiven yourself for:

2.  Can you see your innocence and that you were just doing the best you    could with what your understanding was at the time? Can you apply this to others as well?

The Letting Go Guided Journal: How to Remove Your Inner Blocks to Happiness, Love and Success, Pg. 74-75

The Goal of Letting Go

The goal of letting go is the elimination of the very source of all suffering and pain. 

The replacement of a negative feeling by a higher one accounts for the many miracles we can experience in the course of life.  These become more frequent as we continue to let go.  As we surrender, life becomes more and more effortless.  There is a constant increase in happiness and pleasure, which requires less and less from the outer world to be experienced.  There is a diminution of needs and expectations of others.  We stop looking “out there” for what we now experience as coming from within ourselves. We let go of the illusion that others are the source of our happiness.  Instead of looking to get from others, we now look to give…

Ultimately, all negative feelings stem from the same source.  When enough negative feelings have been relinquished, that source reveals itself.  When that source itself is let go of and disidentified with, the ego dissolves.  The source of suffering, therefore, loses the very basis of its power.

The Letting Go Guided Journal pg. 94-95

One Surprising Observation

One surprising observation about the mechanism of letting go is that major changes can take place very rapidly.  Lifetime patterns can suddenly disappear, and long-standing inhibitions can be let go of in a matter of minutes, hours, or days.  Rapid changes are accompanied by an increased aliveness.  The life energy set free by the letting go of negativity now flows into positive attitudes, thoughts, and feelings, with a progressive increase of personal power.

When the negative blocks and “I can’ts” are removed, whole new areas of life open up to us.  Success stems from doing what we like to do best, but most people are tied down to what they imagine they have to do.  As limitations are relinquished, whole new avenues of creativity and expression become available.  It is very common for people who use the letting go technique to suddenly come into abundance.

…As we let go of the negative, we come into our own power.  It happens of its own.  Happiness was in there all along and now it shines forth after the blocks to it have been surrendered.  We are now influencing everyone with whom we come in contact in a favorable way.

…Name an area of expression, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant, that has become a reality for you as result of the letting go method.  Write down the positive feelings you have about this newfound expression.  Then congratulate yourself on the work you have done!

The Letting Go Guided Journal: pg. 90-91


Love emanates from the heart.  When we are in the presence of people who love each other, we pick up on that energy.  The love of our loved ones, pets, and friends is the love of Divinity for us. Each moment is possible only because of love.  Being surrounded by the energy field of love brings gratitude.  We are thankful for our life and for all the miracles of life.

Think about your life now, and contemplate all that you’ve been given.  Write down what you are grateful for, regardless of how small or insignificant it seems.

The Letting Go Guided Journal, pg. 73

This new book can be purchased through Amazon.

With Acceptance

In the state of acceptance, there is the feeling that nothing needs to be changed.  This is different from resignation, where there are still residuals of the previous emotion left.  There is reluctance and a delaying of the true recognition of the facts.  Resignation says, ” I don’t like it, but I have to put up with it.”

With acceptance, resistance to the true nature of the facts has been relinquished; thus, one of the signs of acceptance is serenity.  With acceptance, the struggle is over and life begins anew.  This consciousness level is one that we all long to achieve, for it enables us to find freedom from most of life’s problems and to experience fulfillment and happiness.  Here, the source of love is seen to be within ourselves, emanating from our own nature and reaching out to include others.  Our lovingness radiates out naturally from the essence of our being, because many of the blocks to its awareness have been surrendered.

We discover that this lovingness is our nature, and it is what the great teachers mean by our true essence, our true Self.  It is the aim of our Self to transcend the ego, that composite of all our negative feelings, programs, and thoughts, so that we are able to experience the inner essential nature.

The Letting Go Guided Journal: How to Remove Your Inner Blocks to Happiness, Love, and Success. pg. 76 – New!

This book is available for purchase through Amazon.