The Grace of God

The Grace of God is available to all. Historically, the ‘Grace of the Sage’ is available to the committed spiritual seeker.Ā  The strength of the ego can be formidable, and without the assistance of the power of higher spiritual beings, the ego cannot of itself transcend itself.Ā  Fortunately, the power of the consciousness of every great teacher or avatar who has ever lived still remains and is available.Ā  To focus on a teacher or their teachings by meditation makes the power of that teacher available to the seeker.Ā  It is the will of every truly enlightened sage that every spiritual seeker succeeds, and not just the members of some specific or exclusive group.Ā  Just as the individual seeker of spiritual advancement benefits all mankind, thus also does the enlightenment of the Teachers benefit the seeker.Ā  That power and energy is available to call upon.Ā  There are no requirements or obligations.

I: Reality and Subjectivity: Ch. 6, pg. 109-110

True Success

Isnā€™t success making a lot of money? Isnā€™t that the common presumption?

Success may or may not be accompanied by making a lot of money. To those who are successful, it doesnā€™t really matter that much. Have we ever realized that when we were completely and totally satisfied and happy with our successes, how much money we made was almost irrelevant? We need enough to pay our bills and provide for a reasonable standard of living for ourselves. But there isnā€™t that need to make a lot of money, which is actually compensation for lack of success.

If making a lot of money is what motivates us, then we donā€™t have the key to success. Money is really a substitute for the satisfaction that truly successful people get out of every job or operation that has gone well for them. Many of my greatest and happiest successes actually brought me no financial profit at all. When success is something within, it doesnā€™t require anything ā€œout there.ā€

…In true success there is no time delay. The reward is instantaneous, so that the entire process is a rewarding one. Success is feeling good about what we do. We know those feelings of peace and contentment when we go to bed having completed a project where we know we did our best. Nothing has actually even happened ā€œout there.ā€ The boss hasnā€™t gotten the report yet. The family hasnā€™t seen what weā€™ve done. The neighbors havenā€™t found out. Yet, like having a garden well planted, when we go to bed at night, we know itā€™s just a matter of time before the flowers and vegetables emerge. The garden is automatic once itā€™s been suitably planted. Watching it grow is merely in addition to the satisfaction; it is not its source.

Success is for You: Ch. 6, pg. 73 and pg. 81

Fear is Healed by Love

A higher vibration, such as love, has a healing effect on a lower vibration, such as that in … fear. This love is the mechanism of reassurance, and very often we can quiet another personā€™s fears by our mere physical presence, and by the loving energy that we project to them and with which we surround them. It is not what we say, but the very fact of our presence that has the healing effect.

We can learn another one of the laws of consciousness:Ā  Fear is healed by love.Ā 

…High levels of consciousness are in themselves capable of healing, transforming, and enlightening others. The value of the surrendering mechanism is that, by letting go of the blocks to love, our capacity to love increases progressively, and loving energy has the capacity to heal ourselves as well as others.

We might picture love to be like the sunlight and negative thoughts like the clouds. Whereas our higher, greater Self is like the sun, all the negative thoughts, doubts, fears, anger, and resentments that we hold dim the light of the sun and, finally, the light comes through only weakly. It was Jesus Christ who said that we all, with faith, potentially have the power to heal. The saint, or person of high consciousness, is by definition one who has removed the clouds of negativity and radiates the full healing power of the sun.Ā  Ā …As we consistently let go of resisting our fears and allow them to be surrendered, the energy that was tied up in the fear is relinquished and now becomes available to shine forth as the energy of love.

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 6, pg. 93-95

That Sounds Like a Passive Attitude

…Awareness reflects a different set of operating principles and tends to be more benign and global in its responses.Ā  It sees the whole picture and responds in accord.Ā  Aware mind is not prone to banal positionalities or judgments nor does it get entrapped in frenetic endeavors.Ā  It tends to be easy-going and mellow and prefers to observe rather than to become involved in worldly definitions of gain or loss.Ā  We speak of that type of relating to the world as laid back’ or ‘philosophical’. While the thinking mind of the ego says “Isn’t that awful,” awareness knows that it is merely the ebb and flow of life and that, in the end, is all the same.

That sounds like a passive attitude.

To the ego, peace sounds inactive and passive because the ego thinks in terms of ‘doing’ something, such as seeking control, gain, or avoidance.Ā  The ego darts through traffic, pushes the speed limit, and watches for police cars.Ā  It fumes at delays and stupid drivers; it tailgates and curses under its breath at slow traffic.Ā  It blows its horn and passes on curves.Ā  it is driven by the hope of beating time and jumping the line.Ā  It shakes its fist at the driver who moves ahead in line and it vows terrible vengeance.Ā  While all this is going on, simultaneously, the ego is planning work strategies, talking on the cell phone, and listening to the radio.

In contrast, aware mind flows with the traffic and enjoys being courteous and letting some poor soul into the traffic line in front of it.Ā  “Give the guy a break” is okay to the easy-going perspective of awareness.

I:Reality and Subjectivity, Ch. 18, pgs. 316-317

How is This Different from Repressing the Feeling?


You recommend that we shift attention away from the negative feeling. How is this different from repressing the feeling?

Repression is an unconscious process by which unaccepted feelings are put out of awareness and not dealt with. In shifting attention, you make a choice not to indulge the negative emotion. You have already acknowledged and accepted the feeling within yourself as part of being human, but you are choosing to let it go because you want something higher, like peacefulness, harmony, and getting the job done. People will sometimes shift their attention by way of actions such as rearranging the furniture a little bit, opening and closing the window shades, making a quick trip to the bathroom, or going for a short coffee break.

These actions allow for a moment to shift from the negative to the positive.

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 21, pg. 313