Dr. Hawkins Remote Study Group

Virtual Study Group – Conducted through zoom.us,
Contact Person: Ricky Wehrly

The intention of this group is to read from one of Dr. Hawkins’ books with discussion.Ā  We will also be doing the surrender method based on the Letting Go book by Dr. Hawkins.

Meeting Time: Sunday 3 pm EST


Dr. Hawkins Study Group

This is a daily on-line study group with rotating facilitators. Our daily study group includes an opening prayer, music, video clips, readings from books by Dr. Hawkins, participant sharing, and a closing prayer. There is no requirement to have your video or mic on and you are welcome to stay as long as you are able, and leave when you like!
Daily 8:00am PST; 11:00am EST; 17:00 Poland (UTC-7).

Contact Person: Eric Berger

On-line group with members from all over!

Meeting ID: 84886374828
Passcode: 944742


Our Statement of Purpose:

We come here together with the common intention of studying and aligning with theĀ  Truth as it has been revealed by Dr. David R Hawkins; towards being a servant of the Lord, and if it serves His Will, by the realization of the Self as God Immanent, formally known as Enlightenment. This Group commits fully and totally to the teachings of Dr. David R Hawkins. We do this, by the grace of God, in the name of our Teacher who taught us the pathway to God through Truth.


Books by Dr. David R. Hawkins

Ongoing for 14 years, we read from Dr. Hawkins’ books and enjoy spiritual sharing. Currently, we meet on Zoom.
Contact person: Nancy Kirchhofer

We meet every Monday from 7:00-8:30 pm EST, currently on Zoom.
Meeting ID 6142020852 Password 054xNj


Dr. Hawkins’ Study Group in Daly City

Contact: Tracey Story
Meeting Time: Every Saturday at 9 am.
This is an on-line group.

We study the teachings of Dr. Hawkins. Currently we are studying Discovery of the Presence of God.