Thought is powerful because it has a high rate of vibration. A thought is actually a thing; it has an energy pattern. The more energy we give it, the more power it has to manifest itself physically. This is the paradox of much so-called health education. The paradoxical effect is that fearful thoughts are reinforced and given so much power that epidemics are actually created by the media (e.g., the swine flu). The fear-based “warnings” about health dangers actually set-up the mental environment in which the very thing that is feared will occur.
3 thoughts on “A thought is actually a thing…”
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Thank You Susan for reminding me of this. I recently had surgery and have had some really goofy thoughts that although I continue to cancel, they continue to raise their ugly heads. You would think after almost 20 years of sobriety and 18 years of studying Doc’s teachings it would just be a snap. Guess I’ll keep studying huh. Love You All

Wow!! Thank you, Susan, for this as aptly-timed quote from Doc. As always, there is so much comfort to be gained by surrending our fears.
Love & Gratitude
Ken Charboneau
What a GREAT posting!
It’s clear, to the point and right on!!!