Divinity is Unmistakable

Q: What does the Self feel like?
A: It is like the ultimate completion of being home. There is a knowingness of finality, conclusion, completion, fulfillment, satisfaction, perfection, and beauty. The quality of Love dissolves all possibility of suffering or wanting. No mentation occurs, nor is it necessary. A profound sense of certainty prevails. Divinity is unmistakable.
There is absolutely nothing in ordinary human experience to compare with the joy of the presence of the Love of God. No sacrifice is too great nor effort too much in order to realize that Presence.

One thought on “Divinity is Unmistakable”

  1. Words do not explain the Joy of being myself. It is as if I am now being lovingly pulled by a gentle force to come home. Some days there is even grief because I am unable to share what I experience with others in what the world considers “normal” day to day life. Still most days I look out across the desert and just commune with it’s beauty. Thank you Susan and Dr. Hawkins for the immense difference you both make in my life with continual support. Dr. Hawkins’ books and lectures have shed so much light on experiences I’ve had and are likely yet to come. Thank you both again for loving and pointing the direction. My deepest gratitude. Loretta

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