It can also be observed that many basic postulates have such wide acceptance that they are automatically uncritically subscribed to. … To the spiritual student, this awareness is of critical importance because each postulate establishes a context that is a constraint and limitation, with the resultant dualities of perception and belief.
Some common examples that illustrate the principle of limiting postulates are:
1. There is a right side and a wrong side to every conflict.
2. There is a cause for everything.
3. Someone is responsible for everything.
4. Someone is to blame for unfortunate events and accidents.
5. There is an answer to every question.
6. Everything has an opposite.
7. Everything has a meaning.
8. Everyone is capable of reason.
9. Everyone’s reality is really basically the same.
10. Some things are better than others.
11. Time marches on.
12. Some things are more valuable than others.
13. Reason is a reliable tool.
14. Logic is proof.
15. There is a self-existent, discoverable, objective reality ‘out there’.
16. Man is superior to animals because he can think.
17. Everyone knows right from wrong.
18. The guilty deserve punishment and the good deserve rewards.
While these postulates may seem different, they are actually inherently all the same in that they create a restrictive structure and limitation to transcending the dominion of form and the ego of structure itself.
… Everything reveals the miracle of existence and therefore, everything without exception, is equal to everything else by the virtue of its existence.
… Mentation, reason, logic, and language are all structured dualistically based on the axiom that there is a subject and an object, that there is a ‘this’ doing or causing a ‘that’. Reason strives to find a connection between a witnessed phenomenon and some antecedent that is most commonly located in prior time. Logic then concludes that which precedes an event must somehow be the ’cause’ or explanation. It confuses temporal sequence with causation.
The ’cause’ of anything is always the same. It is the totality of all that exists now or ever has existed in history. Context is the total universe.