Divine Wisdom

Q: What replaces the mind when it disappears?

A: Divine wisdom unfolds.  Consciousness/awareness remains but it is an autonomous quality or condition.  Loss of mind does not result in ‘nothingness’; on the contrary, it is replaced by Allness.  The leaf is not the tree.  It is safe to abandon any identification with what one thinks or believes one is for none of it is real, and ‘nothingness’ is purely an imagination.

From Discovery of the Presence of God, Ch. 4, pg. 86-87

2 thoughts on “Divine Wisdom”

  1. Doc, Susan, Veritas staff and volunteers- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING! ❤️

  2. Thank you all for your devotion to God, the truth, and for continuously keeping us all on the straight and narrow. Much love.

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