Paradigm Allegiance

Each person perceives, experiences, and interprets the world and its events in accord with their own predominant level of consciousness. … each level tends to be self-reinforcing … this process results in what is best described as ‘paradigm allegiance’ or the presumption that one’s own personal perceived/experienced world represents ‘reality’ (Protagorars’s error as pointed out by Plato). 
… For comfort and mental reinforcement, people seek for agreement and thus tend to congregate with others who share the same paradigm or worldview…
Paradigm thus predetermines the range of possible experiences or discoveries and is a factor about which the ordinary consciousness is unaware.

2 thoughts on “Paradigm Allegiance”

  1. Also from Transcending the level of consciousness p.234:
    “A resistence that is often unrecognized is attachment to the familiar by what can be called ‘paradigm allegiance’. For instance, this limitation is demonstrated, as previously noted, by conferences and publications dedicated to the fields of ‘science and religion’ or ‘science and consciousness’ that are academic and therefore calibrate in the mid-400s. They characteristically preclude recognition of the primary importance of subjectivity, the realm of the Self, only by which can spiritual realities that calibrate at 500 or over be recognized or understood.”

    Thank you for your work.

  2. I don’t know how to edit a comment, so I’ll submit it again:
    Also from dr. Hawkins’s book Transcending the level of consciousness p.234 (2005):
    “A resistance that is often unrecognized is attachment to the familiar by what can be called ‘paradigm allegiance’. For instance, this limitation is demonstrated, as previously noted, by conferences and publications dedicated to the fields of ‘science and religion’ or ‘science and consciousness’ that are academic and therefore calibrate in the mid-400s. They characteristically preclude recognition of the primary importance of subjectivity, the realm of the Self, only by which can spiritual realities that calibrate at 500 or over be recognized or understood.”

    Thank you for your work.

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