The Way is Really Quite Simple

Q: What sacrifice is required?

A: The major step is the realization that there is a source of joy and happiness that is outside and beyond the ego.  Then arise curiosity and an interest in how to reach spiritual goals.  Belief arises that is then bolstered by faith and eventually by experience.  Next follows acquisition of instruction, information, and the practice of what has been learned.  By invitation, the spiritual energy increases, followed by dedication and the willingness to surrender all obstacles.  Even the decision to turn one’s life over to God brings joy and gives life a whole new meaning.  It becomes uplifting, and the greater context gives life more significance and reward.  One eventually becomes unwilling to support negativity, within or without.  This is not because it is wrong but merely futile.  Although the journey to God begins with failure and doubt, it progresses into certainty.  The way is really quite simple.

From I: Reality and Subjectivity, Ch. 18, pg.421-422