The Mechanism of Letting Go

Q: How can surrendering be more constant?
The secret to using this mechanism more often and more consistently is, first of all the wish to do so.  That is Step #1.  You have to want to be free of the feeling more than you want to keep it.  Sometimes it is just a matter of remembering, and you can use some kind of a cue card to remind you.
Another way is to establish a routine.  It is very good to start the day by surrendering your thoughts and feelings about your expectations, to picture the way you would like it to go, and to let go of all negative thoughts that would interfere with the day going in that way.  Then, at the end of the day, sit down and surrender anything that came up during the course of the day that you overlooked or didn’t have time to pay attention to.  This is called “cleaning up,” and most people find that they sleep better.
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 21, pg. 327-328.