A Paradigm Shift

A paradigm is a whole worldview, and it is only limited by what we view as possible.  As old ways of looking at things are challenged, our worldview begins to stretch and expand.  That which was previously considered to be impossible becomes possible and eventually is experienced as a new dimension of reality.  There is the capacity to look within ourselves to examine our belief systems, ask questions, and seek new solutions.  On the level of courage, we are willing to take self-improvement courses, learn consciousness techniques, and risk the journey within to seek our own true Self, the inner reality.  There is a willingness to experience uncertainty, periods of confusion, and temporary upset because underneath the temporary discomfort, we have a long-term transcendent goal.  The mind that is operating on the level of courage makes such statements as “I can handle it”; “We’ll make it”; The job will get done”; We can see this through”; “All things shall pass.”

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 10, pg. 157-158