Knowing our own and everyone else’s human foibles gives rise to forgiveness and thence to compassion.
Compassion is the doorway to Grace, to the final realization of who we are and why we are here, and the ultimate source of all existence.
card selected from the new Power vs Force Card Deck.
*Added text to give deeper context to the above passage, from Power vs Force Book, Ch. 23, pg. 305:
The initial effect of taking responsibility for the truth of one’s life is to raise lower energy field levels to 200, the critical level at which power first appears, and the stepping-stone to all of the higher levels. The Courage to face truth leads eventually to Acceptance, where greater power arises at the level of 350. Here, then, there is sufficient energy to solve the majority of man’s social problems. This, in turn, leads to the yet greater power available at 500, the level of Love.