The Power of Our Mind


The majority of what happens in our lifetime is the result of some decision we have made somewhere in the past, either consciously or unconsciously. Because this is so, it is very simple, then, to see our past decisions by looking at our life and tracking backwards.

This principle is demonstrated by a woman who came for psychotherapy. She needed treatment because, in her words, “My relationships never work out.” She had one unsatisfactory love affair after another and was always left feeling used and abused. She was full of resentment, self-pity, and depression. The problem, of course, was given in her opening sentence, “My relationships never work out.”

Because we deny the power of our own mind, we don’t see the glaringly obvious. It is very curious how we have become so unaware. Here is a woman who has the answer sitting right there, but she does not see that it is the answer. She really doesn’t see the power of her own belief system. Our mind is so powerful that, if we hold in mind a single thought such as, “My relationships never work out,” then that is most likely going to happen in our life. Our unconscious genie, which can only take orders and not make decisions, sees to it that our relationships don’t work out.

…The corollary is obviously true. If our mind, by its decision, has the power to make negative things happen in our life, then it has equal power in the opposite, positive direction. We can choose all over again. This time we can choose the positive. We can cancel the old programs, and we can do that by beginning to relinquish the gratification we were getting out of the negative payoffs.

A Quote to Contemplate:  …”We can much more effortlessly bring into our life that which we want by envisioning what we wish to have happen. We do this by declaration of our intention, by acceptance, by decision, and by the act of consciously choosing.” (pg.122)

Letting Go: The Power of Surrender, Ch.7, pg. 119-120