The Presence of God as Love…

The Presence of God as Love is self-revealing as the duality of perception ceases as a consequence of surrendering positionalities. Love is therefore the doorway between the linear and the nonlinear domains. It is the grand avenue to the discovery of God.

The dissolution of the ego by the Infinite Love of the Divine Presence may be so overwhelming that the capacity to function in the world in ordinary terms may well be lost. Tears of joy can spring forth for long periods out of gratitude for the gift of spiritual vision that transforms all appearance. Beauty stunningly shines forth from all objects. The value of all ‘things’ is equal by virtue of the intrinsic Divinity of Creation as their existence.

In such a state, a leper is no longer repulsive, and the dying poor on the streets of Calcutta are beautiful and lovable. Unconditional Love pours
forth and heals their feeling of separation—such is the miracle. The Self of the devotee recognizes the Self of the dying derelict, and at this moment,
they go into a joyful bliss. All fear of death disappears where the Reality of life as God’s love shines through. Knowingness replaces thought, and the
Presence precludes all illusion of separation. The love of God is the Self of the Infinite ‘I-ness’ of existence. In the Presence, there are only stillness, peace, perfection, and beauty. The heart swells with gratitude and pours energy out into the world in response to an unseen need. The miraculous appears unexpectedly, and one witnesses the unfolding of the miracle as the Holy Spirit transforms the seemingly impossible.

I: Reality and Subjectivity, Ch. 4. pg. 336