
As we surrender, life becomes more and more effortless. There is a constant increase in happiness and pleasure, which requires less and less from the outer world to be experienced. There is a diminution of needs and expectations of others. We stop looking ā€œout thereā€ for what we now experience as coming from within ourselves. We let go of the illusion that others are the source of our happiness. Instead of looking to get from others, we now look to give. Others now seek to be with us, instead of avoiding us. In Charles DickĀ­ensā€™ A Christmas Carol, Scrooge experienced the pleasĀ­ure of giving instead of looking to get from others. The joy of that transformation is available to us all.

from Letting Go pg 272

Devotion to Truth

Oneā€™s commitment should be to God and Truth only. Teachers are to be respected, but devotion should be restricted to only the Truth. As Buddha said, ā€œPut no head above your own,ā€ meaning that oneā€™s only true guru is the Self (the Buddha nature).

The Self of the teacher and oneā€™s own Self are one and the same. The teacher becomes a source of inspiration and information. It is the inspiration that supports the quest.

Does spiritual commitment mean one has to give up the world? No, of course not. It means merely that worldly life needs to be recontextualized, restructured, and envisioned differently. It is not the world that is a trap but oneā€™s attachment to it, along with oneā€™s observations that cloud the search for Truth.

from The Eye of the I, ch. 8, pg. 162

Being in the Presence…

All of a sudden, a state more astonishing than any I had gotten used to over the years – being in that Presence – now became even more. It was like the splendors of Heaven showed that there were more, higher, advanced levels of Heaven.Ā The revelation of spiritual truth was now spontaneous and occurring; and in that instant, that was when the ego really died.Ā … That was the agony of letting go of ever being “me” again, letting go forever.Ā It was the foreverness.Ā I knew at this point one would never be an individual ‘I’ again.”Ā 
– Dr. David R. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, p. 41


Volume III: Advanced States of Consciousness dvd


Perfect Prayers

Q: What prayers are useful?

A: Ask to be the servant of the Lord, a vehicle of Divine Love, a channel of Godā€™s Will. Ask for direction and divine assistance and surrender all personal will through devotion. Dedicate oneā€™s life to the service of God. Choose love and peace above all other options. Commit to the goal of unconditional love and compassion for all life in all its expressions and surrender all judgment to God.

from Eye of the I, Ch. 13, pg. 264-65

Pathway to Freedom and Happiness

The steps out of failure, unhappiness, frustration, lack, want, anger, and depression are deceptively simple. Life is a voyage comparable to being out at sea in which a shift of one degree on the shipā€™s compass will determine by the end of the trip whether or not one is hundreds of miles off course. The strongest tool, which already exists within, is the spiritual will itself, which, when firmly set, will face and take on any obstacle. It is this spiritual will that determines the success of the venture. From subjective experience, as well as many years of clinical practice, spiritual education, and research, it is confirmed that the spiritual will is the primordial rudder that determines not only this lifetime but also the course of oneā€™s consciousness over great expanses of time, classically termed karma (cal. 1,000).

Truth vs. Falsehood, ch. 13, pg. 250