The Spiritual Will

Spiritual motivation, intention, and alignment could be likened to changing the magnetic or gravitational field of influence by which context is shifted, revealing a different understanding. For example, a presumed loss becomes recontextualized as a hidden gain (greater freedom, opening of opportunities and choices, etc.).

… The Spiritual Will is not like the ego’s understanding of will as ‘willpower’, which means emotional force with clenched teeth of exertion and increased emotionality. The ego-driven will takes energy and is taxing. It could actually be understood as a form of aggression. In contrast, invoking the Spiritual Will is like opening floodgates and then standing back. The ego/will contextualizes events in terms of cause and effect in which the personal self-will claims credit or blame because it sees itself as a causal agent. In contrast, the Spiritual Will is not personal but is a quality of consciousness that changes context by surrender to an invitation to the power of the Self.

The Spiritual Will, invited by complete surrender, is thus capable of performing the seeming ‘miraculous’, whereas the personal will, paradoxically, often automatically triggers resistances, as anyone knows who has tried personal ‘willpower’ to overcome even minor habits.

… Surrender of the personal will to the Will (Wisdom) of God (or Providence, Higher Power) signifies relinquishment of control. One can expect the ego to resist doing so, and it invents excuses, counter arguments, and multiple fears in order to maintain illusory control. The ego’s positions are reinforced by pride as well as desire for specific results. Thus, to the ego, to step back and invite the intervention of Divinity seems like a loss, whereas, to the Spirit, it is definitely a win.

From Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality p. 64-66

All Reality is Subjective

Q: Is there not a difference between an objective and a subjective reality?

A: All reality is subjective.  Every other position is an illusion based on duality.  The subjective and objective are one and the same, just different descriptions from different points of perception, duration, description, form, or measurement.  All such attributes are those of perception itself, which is, by its very nature, transitory, arbitrary, limited, illusory, and dualistic.

From The Eye of the I, Ch. 12, pg. 233-234

The Glory of God

There is only one Divine, Absolute, Supreme Reality that transcends all potentialities, dimensions, realms, and universes and is the source of life and existence. Enlightenment is merely the full, conscious recognition that innate truth is the core of one’s own existence, and the God as Self is the illumination whereby that realization is made possible. The Infinite Power of God is the manifestation of the power of Infinite Context. The Unmanifest is even beyond Infinite Context.
 The Glory of God shines forth as the Source of Existence and the Reality that is knowable by the subjective awareness of the Self as the Infinite ‘I’. 

What does ‘surrender to God’ really mean?

Q: What does ‘surrender to God’ really mean?
A:  It means to surrender control and the secret satisfactions of the ego’s positionalities. Turn only to love and to God as the source of life and joy. This choice is available in every instant. When finally chosen, the reward is great. By invitation, spiritual awareness illuminates the way. The key is willingness.

From I: Reality and Subjectivity p. 314

Just ‘Be’

Q: What else is to be surrendered besides the ego’s secret payoffs?

A: One has to see through the mind’s illusion that it knows anything.  This is called humility and has the value of opening the door for realizations, revelations, and intuitive knowingness.

The mind searches for meaning and is therefore circuitous in that it can reach only its own definitions of meaning.  In Reality, nothing has any meaning for it has no attributes to be discerned.  Everything merely exists as it was created – complete and perfect.  Everything fulfills its purpose by merely being what it is.  Everything is the fulfillment of its own essence and potentiality.  The only ‘requirement’ for anything that exists is to just ‘be’. Its destiny under the conditions of any given moment is already completely fulfilled.  Therefore, that which it is represents the completion of all past possibility up to that very moment; everything is the way it is supposed to be.  As essence fulfilling its potentiality, it is witnessed by a corresponding level of consciousness.  In any nanosecond of observation, nothing is actually changing.  What are changing are the position of the witness and the point of observation.  Change is merely a process of sequential perception.

Life can be pictured as a series of stop frames, like the flicker pads of childhood.  This poses the conundrum: Is it the world that is moving or the mind that is moving?

From I: Reality and Subjectivity, ch. 18, pg. 422-423