Category: Thoughts & quotes from Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. & Susan Hawkins
Hello, we want to share thoughts and quotes from Dr. David R. Hawkins and his wife, Susan Hawkins. We will keep you informed of upcoming events, as well. For available books, CDs, DVDs, and the Map of Consciousness, visit the Dr. David R. Hawkins product page. Find a Dr. Hawkins Study Group in your area.
A Simple Way to Undo the ego
Q: Is there a simple way to undo the ego?
A: Yes. By commitment to inner honesty, it will become apparent that the underpinning of the ego’s responses is the pleasure that is derived from them. There is an inner satisfaction that is the payoff of self-pity, anger, rage, hate, pride guilt, fear, etc. This inner pleasure, as morbid as it may sound, energizes and propagates all these emotions. To undo their influence, it is merely necessary to be willing to forego and surrender these questionable inner secret pleasures to God and look only to
God for joy, pleasure, and happiness.
Everyone gets a secret pleasure from resentments, from being the martyr or the victim, and from feeling misunderstood, unappreciated, etc. Society and the law even reinforce these benefits with legal and monetary rewards so that one can be compensated for ‘having their feelings hurt’, for being ‘slighted’ on the job, for enduring ‘stress’, for ‘feeling uncomfortable’, etc.
When the payoff is no longer valued, these feelings disappear. They persist only so long as they serve a purpose. When this ‘ego juice’ is abandoned, it is replaced with inner peace.
A thought is actually a thing…
Thought is powerful because it has a high rate of vibration. A thought is actually a thing; it has an energy pattern. The more energy we give it, the more power it has to manifest itself physically. This is the paradox of much so-called health education. The paradoxical effect is that fearful thoughts are reinforced and given so much power that epidemics are actually created by the media (e.g., the swine flu). The fear-based “warnings” about health dangers actually set-up the mental environment in which the very thing that is feared will occur.
The Healing Power of Grace
Reluctance to forgive is a consequence not only of unwillingness to let go of the ego juice of perceived injustice but also the illusion that others do not ‘deserve’ it. In reality, it is the forgiver and not the forgiven who benefits the most. The purpose of the example is to demonstrate that even the most severe conditions can be transcended, but only by an act of the will and the willingness to surrender the nursing of hatred and revenge.
One might ask how could such a saintly transformation even be possible, given the horrific circumstances on both sides, including imprisonment in POW camps, starvation, personal torture, gross cruelty, and carnage. In actuality, and psychologically, it really could not be done by the ego/mind at all because it lacks the necessary power when it is caught up in the energy field of hate… Therefore, the transformative source of power cannot originate from the mind or the personality called the personal ‘I’. The necessary power resides in the nonlinear quality of consciousness termed the ‘Will’, which alone can open the gates to the power necessary to dissolve the ego’s positionality.
By invitation, the Holy Spirit transforms comprehension by virtue of the presence of the healing power of Grace. What the ego cannot lift with all its might is like a feather to the Grace of God. As a consequence of the process of transformation, not only are the views of others transformed from hateful to benign, but the view of self is also transformed.”
The Best Attitude
What is the best attitude for spiritual work?
A ‘Yin’ type of position that is persistent and unwavering. The work consists of understandings, realizations, and a general attitude of allowing rather than getting. Know that what is being sought is all present, innate in All That Is, invisible, and is silent. It is the requisite condition for existence itself. It is the one quality that is of prime significance and is the absolute, irreducible matrix for anything to ’be’.