Drug Addiction and Alcoholism



Drug Addiction and Alcoholism Trailer

In Drug Addiction and Alcoholism, Dr. Hawkins presents the truth about addiction, alcoholism, and the negative effects of “heavy metal” music on the human body. His concepts, when applied, are very effective in bringing about the disappearance of drug addiction and alcoholism.

Powerful and personal, Dr. Hawkins takes us through his own struggles with addiction to reach the freedom that the understanding of consciousness brings. Even though this video is in black and white with a deteriorated picture, its information is life-changing.

Original Product Details:
Drug Addiction and Alcoholism (audio and video)
Running time: 1 Hour and 3 Minutes
One Disc
Publisher: Veritas Publishing

Also suggested:  Map of Consciousness or a selection from one of Dr. Hawkins’ books for further explanation of the levels of consciousness.