Spiritual First Aid



Spiritual First Aid Trailer

On this Spiritual First Aid talk, Dr. Hawkins discusses crisis and conflict, the nature of an upset, and ways of handling, transcending, and breaking through problems. All upsets are spiritual in nature; now learn how to approach and resolve the crisis. Dr. Hawkins points out incorrect spiritual beliefs that may be the basis of spiritual angst and how the unrecognized culprit is the spiritual ego. He shows us how to avoid disillusionment, despair, and self-hatred. Learn about the Pathway of “Yes” versus the Pathway of “No” and how to overcome crises utilizing the laws of consciousness!

<strong>Original Product Details</strong>:
Spiritual First Aid (audio and video)
Running time: 1 Hour and 14 Minutes
One Disc
Publisher: Veritas Publishing

Also suggested:  Map of Consciousness or a selection from one of Dr. Hawkins’ books for further explanation of the levels of consciousness.