There Are No Justified Resentments

In the spiritual world, the basic dictum is, “There are no justified resentments.” This statement is abhorred by the ego.  “Oh yeah,” it says, but what about so-and-so?” It then goes through its laundry list and litany of horrors, violations of ‘rights’, injustices, presumptive arguments of ‘ethics’, ‘morality’, etc. Every counselor, sponsor, or professional is familiar with such recitations.  To recover, the question one has to face is whether one wishes to cling to it (and thereby get the ‘juice’) or give it up.  This is the point of decision, without which healing cannot occur.

…Reluctance to forgive is a consequence not only of unwillingness to let go of the ego juice of perceived injustice but also the illusion that others do not ‘deserve’ it.  In reality, it is the forgiver and not the forgiven who benefits the most.

From Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, ch. 2, pg.56-57