Processing out Negative Feelings

A spiritually-oriented person values all of lifeā€™s experiences and sees each one as an opportunity to evolve spiritually. The technique of processing out involves very simple steps that all depend on willingness and the capacity to surrender.

Stay with the feeling and stay focused on it unswervingly.Ā Realize that all pain is due to resistance.Ā The suffering of loss stems from the attachment and specialness.

Be willing to become immersed in and surrender to the feelings without avoiding them. Notice that they come in waves and that surrendering to the most intense waves tends to decrease their emotional severity.

Ask Godā€™s help and surrender the personal will to God.

… Be willing to endure and suffer out the process.Ā If not resisted, it will process itself out and come to an end.

… A helpful source of strength during the processing out of painful emotions is to identify with all of humanity and realize that suffering is universal and innate to the phenomenon of being human and the evolution of the ego.

From Transcending the Levels of Consciousness p. 98-99