The Radiance of God

The Radiance of God is the light of awareness that reveals the Divinity of all that exists.Ā  In the stillness of the Infinite Presence, the mind is silent, as there is nothing that can be said; all speaks of itself with completeness and exactitude.Ā  With this realization, one transcends the final duality of existence versus nonexistence because only existence is possible.Ā  The opposite of Truth does not exist, since Reality excludes nonreality.Ā  In this realization resides the Peace of God.

The Ego is Not the Real You, pg. 106

6 thoughts on “The Radiance of God”

  1. Thank You for sharing this! Do you know what the worlds current Consciousness level is at this time? Where can I find this? Thank You, again!
    Love, Debbie Martin

  2. Been away from Dr Hawkins work fir a while. This brings me back and reminds me that my everyday reality is way to complex. That which is real is simple.

  3. Thank you so much, Susan, for everything. Doc has had such an indescribable effect on my life and all I can say is, ceaselessly”Thank you.” Thank you for sharing him with us and supporting him and keeping the work going, now. May God bless you and the Veritas family. Merry Christmas and Love!

  4. To Susan and Everyone at VERITAS,
    So much gratitude for all you do to spread love, understanding and all the brilliant teachings of Dr. Hawkins.
    Very Merry Christmas,
    Lots of Love,
    Dr Hawkins Student

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