
Devotion is like an inner valor or fortitude that incorporates courage, willingness, and conviction, together with the knowledge of essential information.Ā  It develops wisdom, patience, and forbearance with experience.Ā  Because of focus, it also develops skill and aptitude for processing the levels of consciousness as they are encountered.Ā  Devotion learns to expect periods of delay or discouragement as well as moments of doubt or fear.Ā  By virtue of devotion, there is alignment with inner integrity that results in the self-honesty and conviction necessary to transcend the seduction of transitory emotional payoffs of the intransigent ego.

The desire to reach Enlightenment is already a Divine gift to be treasured and revered.Ā  “Many are called but few are chosen” could be rephrased as “Many are called but few choose to follow.” Thus, the choice is by decision and assent of the inner will, and by this assent, the enormous power of Divine Will aligns with intention and empowers devotion to overcome all obstacles.

Discovery of the Presence of God, Ch. 1, pg. 45-46