The Purpose of Human Life

In my view, the purpose of human life is to serve God, to serve humanity, and to serve yourself; to be a channel of God’s will for the good of all of mankind, as well as your own evolution.  After all, you are part of mankind, so don’t leave yourself out.

It isn’t you versus mankind; you are part of mankind.  So, in serving mankind, you serve yourself as well.  The purpose of human life, then if that’s what it is, is then the fulfillment of one’s destiny – and you fulfill that by service to yourself, God, and fellow man.  Love now becomes a quality instead of an emotion.  You see people think of love: “Oh Babe, you can’t see how I love you.” Love is a way of defining one’s own reality.  It’s equality. It’s because of lovingness that you step over the black beetle because you appreciate the gift of life – because love is valuable.  Love of quality, the essence, and the good.  And all of this, as we said earlier, affects how you see and experience the world.

from: In the World But Not of It, pg. 66