A Focus for Contemplation

It is rewarding to choose a spiritual lesson or concept for the day that serves as a focus for contemplation. This is a way of contextualizing the entire day and its experiences. For instance, one can select Unity’s Daily Prayer, a lesson from A Course of Miracles, a step from the twelve-step program, a Psalm, or a basic spiritual premise, such as surrender, humility, or the letting go of control or the desire for gain. When done repeatedly over a period of time, it becomes incorporated into one’s personality and attentional set by which one automatically becomes benevolent, loving towards all life in all of its expressions, and aware of the perfection and beauty of every moment.
With incorporation into daily life, a spiritual practice an take the form of the continuous surrendering of volition, which then emerges into autonomous witnessing and effortless observation. These capacities will then be discovered to be qualities of consciousness, and not personal.

Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, Ch. 19, pg. 354-355

We are only Subject to What We Hold in Mind

The basic dictum to comprehend is that the body obeys the mind; therefore, the body tends to manifest what the mind believes. The belief may be held consciously or unconsciously.  This dictum follows from the law of consciousness that states:  We are only subject to what we hold in mind. The only power or energy that anything has over us is the power of belief that we give it. By “power,” we mean energy and the will to believe.

From Letting Go, The Pathway of Surrender, Chapter 15, Relationship Between Mind and Body, The Influence of Mind, pg. 212



Reality is the Ultimate in Simplicity

Revelation is a revealed knowingness.
… Ultimately, everything is only knowable by virtue of the identity of ‘being it’. The conundrums of epistemology can be solved only by the elimination of thought because all languaging is a paradox.
… The ego (as the illusory self) propagates itself so that it can continue to be the ‘me’. One of its techniques is to try to ‘learn about’ or ‘understand’ things. Realize that if you are something, there is nothing to understand about it. Reality is the ultimate in simplicity.
Man thinks but thinking is a two edged sword….Truth is the radical simplicity and obviousness of God. It is unity. The word ‘unity’ signifies the completeness of the Self-Identity of existence. All is complete by virtue of being itself. No descriptions or nominal designations are required, they are all distractions. Even to just witness requires no thought. There is no necessity to mentalize Reality, it does not enhance what is but instead detracts from it..
… Enlightenment is the ultimate aesthetic awareness for it allows the beauty of creation to shine forth with stunning clarity.”

Make an Inner Decision

… it is advisable to sit quietly and make an inner decision to let go resisting higher levels of functioning. This means to make a decision to stop denying the higher levels to yourself, and to make a decision to let go all blocks to happiness, success, health, and acceptance, love and peace. By doing this, the deed is already done, for you have set the whole experience into a context that will automatically unfold.