What is a Miracle?

If an event occurs outside the domain of explanation or expected linear causality paradigm, and the Newtonian, it is termed a miracle.   It is an eventuality that is brought into actuality by removal of the impediments of negativity.  This may involve relinquishment of limiting belief systems, such as “It’s impossible,” or “It is not deserved” or other ego viewpoints.  For those who have reached higher levels of consciousness, the miraculous is not only commonplace, it is the natural course of events and becomes continuous.  The miraculous comes out of creation and not causality.

The Eye of the “I”, Ch. 9, pg. 139

The Willingness to Let Go of Negative Feelings

When we are operating on the level of acceptance, enjoyment, warmth, gentleness, softness, trustingness, inner truth, and faith, the emotional purposes to which the other person responds are those of love, enjoyment, pleasure, harmony, peacefulness, understanding, and sharing.  Their reaction to us will be one of acceptance, satisfaction, feeling “in tune,” feeling understood, and joy.  They will automatically return our love.  it is rather obvious that these reciprocal feelings bring about success in whatever the venture may be with the other person, whether it is vocational, personal or a simple everyday business interaction.

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 18, pg. 269

What is the most serviceable presumptive view of the world…

Q. What is the most serviceable presumptive view of the world for a spiritual student/devotee/seeker?

A. Presume that the world’s actual purpose is perfect and fully known only by God.  See it as neutral overall but with the benefit that it provides optimal opportunity for spiritual growth and the evolution of consciousness.  It is a school for enlightenment and the revelation of Divinity whereby consciousness/awareness reawakes to its Source.  Thus, to pursue enlightenment in and of itself serves the world and God.

Discovery of the Presence of God, Ch. 10, pg. 168

The Mechanism of Letting Go

Q: How can surrendering be more constant?
The secret to using this mechanism more often and more consistently is, first of all the wish to do so.  That is Step #1.  You have to want to be free of the feeling more than you want to keep it.  Sometimes it is just a matter of remembering, and you can use some kind of a cue card to remind you.
Another way is to establish a routine.  It is very good to start the day by surrendering your thoughts and feelings about your expectations, to picture the way you would like it to go, and to let go of all negative thoughts that would interfere with the day going in that way.  Then, at the end of the day, sit down and surrender anything that came up during the course of the day that you overlooked or didn’t have time to pay attention to.  This is called “cleaning up,” and most people find that they sleep better.
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 21, pg. 327-328.

Looking at Feelings and Our Interpersonal Relationships

Looking at the feelings on the level of interpersonal relationships, we now discover another law of consciousness. Our feelings and thoughts always have an effect on other persons and affect our relationships whether these thoughts or feelings are verbalized, expressed, or not.  We can likely intuit the truth of this law of consciousness from our own experience.  We generally know, for example, when someone is angry toward us, even if they say nothing about it.  Sensing their repressed angry feeling, we might ask, “Is something wrong?” Even when they reply, “Oh nothing,” we are still aware of the energy of anger and upset.

It is somewhat dismaying to discover the truth of this interfacing at the energetic level, but anyone can discover it by inner investigation.  The overall attitudes we hold about another person are influencing that other person’s feelings and attitudes about us whether we express them or not.

When first discovering the truth of this we might go through sort of a mild paranoia.  Most everyone is brought up to believe that our thoughts and feelings are private affairs and nobody else’s business, that minds are separated and that emotions happen only within the confines of the body.  As we begin to investigate this area, we find that often the set of feelings we hold about another person is mirrored back to us by their attitude and that, when we change our inner attitude about them, their attitude changes abruptly. We are unconsciously influencing others all the time because of the feeling we hold about them.  As we become more intuitive, we will laugh at our former naiveté.

The only way to get over this initial paranoia is to clean up our own act.  Finding out what needs to be cleaned up is simple and easy. Just look at what you would not want others to know about you and begin to surrender it!

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 18, pg. 258-259