Consciousness […] the Source of Life

I: Reality and SubjectivityIt is of considerable importance to appreciate that it is consciousness itself which is the source of life, and that innate to that consciousness are the qualities of creative growth and evolution which appear to seek a return to its Source. Although consciousness evolves from the ‘bottom up’ in evolution, it was sourced from ‘above to below’. An analogy is sunlight that pours energy onto the Earth upon which life progresses upward from the simplest to the most complex, and finally, through man who, through enlightenment, again returns to the Source of Life itself.”
– Dr. David R. Hawkins, I : Reality and Subjectivity, p. 546



Become the prayer

“I want you to live in such a way that your life is a prayer. I want you to live your life in such a way that you have no anxiety at all about meeting God. Are you willing to be answerable for who you are and what you’ve done with what you are? What more can you ask? What more can you ask, that I live in such a way that frankly I am not scared of talking to God. I have done everything I can in every direction here. I have pushed myself to the limit to be the fulfillment of my potential. That relieves me of all guilt because now I can make a mistake. Yes, I make a mistake, but in the overall context, you see, I have sanctified that mistake by overall intention.

So, by intention then our life becomes a devotion. We become the prayer. By virtue of that we invoke divinity and then through the heart, through the heart, through the devotion, through the alignment with divinity, we empower all mankind. So we say, Gloria in Excelsis Deo! Glory to God in the Highest! And what more could be said?” from the preface of “Book of Slides” and Dr. Hawkins’ 2005 Lecture, “Transcending Barriers”

Enlightenment Now

“Enlightenment is not something that occurs in the future, after 50 years of sitting cross-legged and saying “OM.” It is right here, in this instant. The reason you’re not experiencing this state of total peace and timelessness is because it is being resisted. It is being resisted because you are trying to control the moment. If you let go of trying to control your experience of the moment, and if you constantly surrender it like a tone of music, then you live on the crest of this exact always-ness. Experience arises like a note of music. The minute you hear a note, it’s already passing away. The instant you’ve heard it, it’s already dissolving. So every single moment is dissolving as it arises. Let go of anticipating the next moment, trying to control it, trying to hang on to the moment that has just passed. Let go clinging to what has just occurred. Let go trying to control what you think is about to occur. Then you live in an infinite space of non-time and non-event. There is an infinite peace beyond description. And you are home.”


David R. Hawkins, ” Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender”



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