One level is not better than another…

I want everyone to remember what Dr. Hawkins said in this January 2002 lecture that I found in the Book of Slides and to not get caught up in “numbers”, but to realize that all that matters is that you are on the path:

“One level of consciousness is not better than another. Each level is suitable for that which it is. Somebody at 700 is not suitable as a carpenter, is not suitable to run a church, and is not suitable as a president. You do not want anybody at 700, as most of them cannot function at all. They just sit in their ashram and if they still survive, people come and say ‘hello’ to them and they smile happily at them and that is that. The 200s and the 300s, who are the builders of the world, the construction workers, the steel workers, the people who go to work every day, they are the backbone of our society. The 400s is the world of the intellect and reason that dominates America. 500 is rare, with 540 being extremely rare and upwards from 540 there’s practically nobody really.”

Become the prayer

“I want you to live in such a way that your life is a prayer. I want you to live your life in such a way that you have no anxiety at all about meeting God. Are you willing to be answerable for who you are and what you’ve done with what you are? What more can you ask? What more can you ask, that I live in such a way that frankly I am not scared of talking to God. I have done everything I can in every direction here. I have pushed myself to the limit to be the fulfillment of my potential. That relieves me of all guilt because now I can make a mistake. Yes, I make a mistake, but in the overall context, you see, I have sanctified that mistake by overall intention.

So, by intention then our life becomes a devotion. We become the prayer. By virtue of that we invoke divinity and then through the heart, through the heart, through the devotion, through the alignment with divinity, we empower all mankind. So we say, Gloria in Excelsis Deo! Glory to God in the Highest! And what more could be said?ā€ from the preface of “Book of Slides” and Dr. Hawkins’ 2005 Lecture, “Transcending Barriers”