With Humility

In Reality, everything is spontaneously manifesting the inherent destiny of its essence; it doesn’t need any external help to do this.  With humility, one can relinquish the ego’s self-appointed role as savior of the world and surrender it straight to God.  The world that the ego pictures is a projection of its own illusions and arbitrary positionalities.  No such world exists.

The Ego is Not the Real You, Part II, Surrendering the Self, pg. 73-74

Simple Kindness

In this interconnected universe, every improvement we make in our private world improves the world at large for everyone. We all float on the collective level of consciousness of mankind so that any increment we add comes back to us. We all add to our common buoyancy by our efforts to benefit life.  What we do to benefit life automatically benefits all of us because we are all included in that which is life. We are life…

Simple kindness to one’s self and all that lives is the most powerful transformational force of all.
 It produces no backlash, has no downside, and never leads to loss or despair. It increases one’s own true power without exacting any toll. But to reach maximum power such kindness can permit no exceptions, nor can it be practiced with the expectation of some selfish gain or reward.  And its effect is as far-reaching as it is subtle.

The Freedom of Choice

Choices determine consequences, which is a mechanism that is really impersonal and operates automatically because energy fields are invited in as a consequence of choice.  The individual, as a consequence of choices, is like an iron filing whose position in the field is the direct consequence of its own decisions.  To accept this reality is simultaneously uplifting and freeing.  At the same time, it is frightening and brings about some degree of consternation.  Therefore, the only true freedom in the universe is the freedom of choice, which is the gift received by mankind.  One then realizes that there is no hand on the tiller but one’s own and that “I myself am heaven and hell” (cal. 700+). The acceptance of this overall truth brings the strength of resolve instead of futile wishing.

What really frightens people about spiritual reality is that it confronts one with the reality that their destiny is solely within the power of their own hands.  Heaven, like hell, is the result and consequence of one’s own choices; therefore, the key to freedom is by the grace of the given karmic inheritance of all mankind by Divine ordinance.

From Truth vs Falsehood, ch.13, pg. 253-254

God’s Grace

God’s grace could be understood as the absolute certainty of the karmic coherence of the entire universe in all its expressions as realms and possibilities. Grace is the provision within the realm of consciousness for the availability to use all the means to salvation and absolute freedom. By choice, one determines one’s own fate. There are no arbitrary forces to be reckoned with. Love chooses love and goes to love. The mechanism of forgiveness affords that very forgiveness. The entire universe is encompassed by compassion, which is available to all. Prayer is effective. God does not ‘decide’ in some arbitrary manner. The innate qualities of Divinity are mercy and compassion. There are no favors to be sought. It is only necessary to accept that which already exists as a given. Grace can only be accepted or denied. An individual soul may deny acceptance because it does not feel it deserves it, but  ‘Judge not,’ sayeth the Lord.’ Otherwise, one would be at the mercy of the positionalities of the ego.”

Inner Peace

With the experience of inner peace comes great strength. An energy field of total peace is unassailable. The person who has found inner peace can no longer be intimidated, controlled, manipulated, or pro­grammed. In this state, we are invulnerable to the threats of the world and have, therefore, mastered earthly life. When the state of peace has become established, ordinary human suffering is no longer possible because the very basis of that vulnerability has been totally relinquished.

from Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender pg. 188