Love and Gratitude

Everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the beauty and harmony of the world by showing kindness to all living things and, thereby, supporting the human spirit. That which we freely give to life flows back to us because we are equally part of that life. Like ripples on the water, every gift returns to the giver. What we affirm in others, we actually affirm in ourselves.

Once we become willing to give love, the discovery quickly follows that we are surrounded by love and merely didn’t know how to access it. Love is actually present everywhere; its presence only needs to be realized.

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 12, pg. 172-173

Unconditional Love – the Capacity to be “in love with life.”

Unconditional Love, then, is the capacity to be in love—it’s really “in love with life.” You’re driving along and all of a sudden, you feel a surge of joy. You’re just sort of in love with life itself. And, at 540 you pretty much fall in love with everybody and people who belong to 12 -Step organizations know what that’s like. You leave judgmentalism at the door and everyone is unconditionally loving to the best of their ability. It leads to a saintliness, saintliness, and it brings you into Serenity, Joyfulness, a feeling of completion – and God is Infinite Love. The joy of life is that the Source of that life is the Love of God. That takes you into sort of an exquisite state, which is transfiguring. 540 is transfiguring. Your inner life is one of serenity. Although your emotions may jump around, they’re not who you are, because the persona, the personality which interacts with the world is not who you are; and along the way with spiritual work, you realize that it’s not what you are anyway—why are you wasting time with it ? It doesn’t need anything, and you could drop it any time, you know what I am saying. “Why don’t you drop that?” “Yeah, okay,”. So, it’s not who you are, because if it’s who you are you’re not going to drop it no matter what, because that’s intention. But emotionality can come and go and doesn’t need anything. Even a saint can get annoyed with something. It doesn’t mean he’s not saintly, but if you ask him if he believes that, he doesn’t believe that. It’s just the animal talking.

New! The Evolution of Consciousness: Navigating the Levels of Awareness and Unlocking Spiritual Potential, Ch. 2, pg.53-54.

Life Can Be Viewed as a Teacher

In our discussion of the levels of consciousness, we noted that one of the downsides of Pride is denial. Every mind engages in denial in order to protect its supposed “correctness.” This begets the fixity and resistance to change that prevents the average consciousness from advancing much more than five points in a lifetime. Great leaps in level of consciousness are always preceded by surrender of the illusion that “I know.” Frequently, the only way one can reach this willingness to change is when one “hits bottom,” that is, by running out a course of action to its end in the defeat of a futile belief system. Light cannot enter a closed box; the upside of catastrophe can be an opening to a higher level of awareness. If life is viewed as a teacher, it then becomes just that. Unless the painful lessons of life with which we deal are transformed through humility into gateways of growth and development, they are wasted.

We witness, we observe, we record apparent processions of experiences. But even in awareness itself, nothing actually happens. Awareness merely registers what is being experienced; it has no effect on it. Awareness is the all-encompassing attractor field of unlimited power identical with life itself. There is nothing the mind believes that is not fallacious at a higher level of awareness.

Power vs Force: Ch. 20, pgs. 265-266

Art and Love

Art and Love are man’s greatest gifts to himself.  There is no art without love.

Art is always the making of the soul, the craft of man’s touch, whether that touch is corporeal or the touch of the mind and spirit; so it has been since Neanderthal times, and so it will always be.

…The processes of creativity and genius are inherent in human consciousness. Inasmuch as every human has within himself the same essence of consciousness, genius is a potential that resides within everyone. It awaits only the right circumstances to express itself.


New! Power vs Force Card Deck

Added inspiration taken from Power vs Force book, Ch.  14 and 15

Simple Kindness

Simple kindness to one’s self and all that lives is the most powerful transformational force of all. It produces no backlash, has no downside, and never leads to loss or despair. It increases one’s own true power without exacting any toll. But to reach maximum power, such kindness can permit no exceptions, nor can it be practiced with the expectation of some selfish gain or reward.

New!  from Power vs Force Card Deck 


Added text from Power vs Force Book: Ch. 7, pg. 150-151:

And its effect is as far-reaching as it is subtle.

In a universe where “like goes to like” and “birds of a feather flock together,”we attract to us that which we emanate. Consequences may come in an unsuspected way. For instance, we are kind to the elevator man, and a year later, a helpful stranger gives us a hand on a deserted highway. An observable “this” does not cause an observable “that.” Instead, in reality, a shift in motive or behavior acts on a field that then produces an increased likelihood of positive responses. Our inner work is like building up a bank account, but one from which we cannot draw at our own personal will. The disposition of the funds is determined by a subtle energy field, which awaits a trigger to release this power back into our own lives.