Using the Mechanism of Surrender

Let’s take a typical human problem and trace how the mechanism of surrender works to free us from an inhibition. Public speaking is one of the most common inhibitions. On the level of apathy in this arena, we say: “Oh, I can’t possibly speak in public. It is way too overwhelming. Nobody will want to hear me anyway. I don’t have anything worth saying.” If we remind ourselves of our intention, we will see that the apathy is merely covering up fear. Now, the thought of speaking in public is frightening, not hopeless. This brings about a certain clarity. The facts are not that we “can’t,” but merely that we are “afraid.”

As this fear comes up and is let go, we become aware of the fact that we have a desire to do the very thing that we fear. Now when looking at the desire, which is blocked by fear and perhaps compounded by some grief over lost opportunities in the past, anger arises. At this point, we have already moved from apathy, to grief, to desire, and up to anger. In anger there is much more energy and capacity for action. Anger often takes the form of resentment, such as resentment that we agreed to the public speaking and now feel obligated to do it.

There is also anger about our fear, which has blocked accomplishment in the past, and the anger leads to a decision to do something about it. This decision might take the form of a public speaking course. When we sign up for a public speaking course, we have already moved up to the energy of pride in that we have finally taken the bull by the horns and are doing something about it. On the way to the speaking course, again more fear will arise. As this is constantly acknowledged and surrendered, we become aware that we have courage in our capacity at least to face our fears and take action to overcome them.

The level of courage has a lot of energy. That energy takes the form of letting go of residual fear, anger, and desire, so that in the middle of the speaking class, we suddenly experience acceptance. With acceptance there is the freedom from resistance, which had taken the form previously of fear, apathy, and anger. Now, we begin to experience pleasure. There is the self-confidence of acceptance, “I can do it.” On the level of acceptance, there is greater awareness of others, so that in the speaking class, we become aware of the pain, suffering, and embarrassment of others in the class and begin to be concerned about them.

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, Ch. 4, pg.52-53

Realization and Revelation

The relinquishment of the ego’s positionalities reduces its dominance and opens the door for comprehension and awareness that are nonlinear and nonconceptual.  Thus emerges the ‘knowingness’ of the Self by which conflicts spontaneously dissolve.  These inner transformations are accompanied by quiet joy, relief, and a greater sense of internal freedom, safety and peace.  The power of the Love of the Self progressively predominates and eventually eclipses all negative feelings, doubts, and obstacles.

Transformation is thus not experienced as the loss of the self but rather as the gain of the emergence and unfoldment of the Self, which is of a much greater dimension.  What actually emerges is a change of state or condition that supersedes and replaces the old.  Thus, the lesser is replaced by the greater by which spiritual evolution reveals the Presence of God as Immanent.  This discovery is the change in the state of consciousness historically referred to as ‘Enlightenment’ or ‘God-consciousness’.

from Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, Ch. 14, pgs. 284-285

The Power of Our Mind


The majority of what happens in our lifetime is the result of some decision we have made somewhere in the past, either consciously or unconsciously. Because this is so, it is very simple, then, to see our past decisions by looking at our life and tracking backwards.

This principle is demonstrated by a woman who came for psychotherapy. She needed treatment because, in her words, “My relationships never work out.” She had one unsatisfactory love affair after another and was always left feeling used and abused. She was full of resentment, self-pity, and depression. The problem, of course, was given in her opening sentence, “My relationships never work out.”

Because we deny the power of our own mind, we don’t see the glaringly obvious. It is very curious how we have become so unaware. Here is a woman who has the answer sitting right there, but she does not see that it is the answer. She really doesn’t see the power of her own belief system. Our mind is so powerful that, if we hold in mind a single thought such as, “My relationships never work out,” then that is most likely going to happen in our life. Our unconscious genie, which can only take orders and not make decisions, sees to it that our relationships don’t work out.

…The corollary is obviously true. If our mind, by its decision, has the power to make negative things happen in our life, then it has equal power in the opposite, positive direction. We can choose all over again. This time we can choose the positive. We can cancel the old programs, and we can do that by beginning to relinquish the gratification we were getting out of the negative payoffs.

A Quote to Contemplate:  …”We can much more effortlessly bring into our life that which we want by envisioning what we wish to have happen. We do this by declaration of our intention, by acceptance, by decision, and by the act of consciously choosing.” (pg.122)

Letting Go: The Power of Surrender, Ch.7, pg. 119-120

The Grace of God


From What are the  Most Valuable Qualities for a Spiritual Seeker?

*Intense prayer augments dedication and inspiration and facilitates progress.

*The Grace of God is available to all. Historically, the ‘Grace of the Sage’ is available to the committed spiritual seeker. The strength of the ego can be formidable, and without the assistance of the power of higher spiritual beings, the ego cannot of itself transcend itself. Fortunately, the power of the consciousness of every great teacher or avatar who has ever lived still remains and is available. To focus on a teacher or their teachings by meditation makes the power of that teacher available to the seeker. It is the will of every truly enlightened sage that every spiritual seeker succeeds, and not just the members of some specific or exclusive group. Just as the individual seeker of spiritual advancement benefits all mankind, thus also does the enlightenment of the Teachers benefit the seeker. That power and energy is available to call upon. There are no requirements or obligations.

“I”: Reality and Subjectivity, Ch. 6, pg. 108

The Radiance of God

The Radiance of God is the light of awareness that reveals the Divinity of all that exists.  In the stillness of the Infinite Presence, the mind is silent, as there is nothing that can be said; all speaks of itself with completeness and exactitude.  With this realization, one transcends the final duality of existence is possible.  The opposite of Truth does not exist, since Reality excludes nonreality.  In this realization resides the Peace of God.

The Ego is not the Real You, Part III, pg. 106