Spiritual Progress

Spiritual progress is accomplished by aspects of consciousness which become more powerful when it is recognized that they are not personal attributes but specific qualities having to do with the nature of consciousness and not aspects of ‘me’ or ‘mine’ or the common ‘I-self’. Spiritual inspiration, understanding, and the awareness that arise from compassion are not personal qualities but operate as catalysts by virtue of the innate quality of their essences. They are activated by spiritual motivation and intention. They are actually aspects of God’s grace that become operational by consent of the seeker’s will. They are facilitated by humility and surrender of the vanity and domination of the ego-mind and its belief that it ‘knows.’


This is an attitude of withdrawal of emotional entanglement in worldly affairs. It leads to serenity and peace of mind. It is supported by refusing the emotional seduction of other people’s upsets and problems. It also involves a willingness to allow the world and its affairs to work out its own problems and destiny. Reactive involvement and intervention in the world can be better left to people who have a different calling.

A ‘good person’ is one thing; enlightenment is another. One is responsible for the effort and not the result, which is up to God and the universe.

Nonattachment is not the same as indifference, withdrawal, or detachment. Misunderstanding that the development of detachment is required often ends up as flatness or apathy. In contrast, nonattachment allows full participation in life without trying to control outcomes.

From The Eye of the I p.144-145

Total Oneness

Emotions blind perception and guarantee error. Duality is thus a separation of truth and error which is sourced by the vanity of perception and the ego.

Q How does perception result in duality?

A: Arbitrary selectivity results in a positionality, which is a point of view that artificiality polarizes the oneness of Reality into seemingly separate parts. These parts are apparent only and not actually separate in Reality. The separation into parts occurs only in the mind and not in Reality.

… In an attempt to reconnect that which has now been conceptually separated in the processes of the mind’s thoughts, causality is invented to explain what is now viewed as ‘relationship’. In Reality, there is only identity; there is no cause of anything nor is it required in the Newtonian paradigm of linear causality of ‘this seems to be causing that’. In Reality, everything is already complete, and the total oneness is beyond time, space, and separation or definition. It is obvious that nothing is the cause of anything else as that would require a dualistic separation in time and space, which is impossible.

… It is relatively easy to see that the ’cause’ of anything is the totality of the entire universe throughout all time, being what it is in all its expressions as existence. All things exist as an expression of identity, and the essence of all things shines forth by its presence. All things are self-created by divine expression as existence. Therefore, each ‘thing’ can only be what it is because of the totality of the entire universe.


A View of the World

Q: What is the most serviceable presumptive view of the world for a spiritual student/devotee/seeker?

A: Presume that the world’s actual ‘purpose’ is perfect and fully known only by God.  See it as neutral overall but with the benefit that it provides optimal opportunity for spiritual growth and the evolution of consciousness.  It is a school for enlightenment and the revelation of Divinity whereby consciousness/awareness reawakens to its Source.  Thus, to pursue enlightenment in and of itself serves the world and God.

From Discovery of the Presence of God, ch.10, pg. 168