Straight and Narrow is the Path

… to benefit the world, it is necessary to change not the world but oneself, for what one becomes is influential by virtue of its essence (nonlinear) and not its actions (limited and linear). The purpose of action is to control others. Force (emotional or otherwise) results in counter force; power comes from the nonlinear level of consciousness itself.
Straight and narrow is the path, for without inner discipline, the spiritual energy becomes dissipated in diverse attractions. Profound silence is more influential and beneficial than an avalanche of redundant words and actions that emanate from the spiritual ego and its platitudinous rationalizations.

Aware Mind

Q: Is aware mind primarily a different perspective?

A: The ego conceals, whereas awareness reveals.  The answer to many defective ego positions could be subsumed in the commonly overlooked sanity of ‘common sense’.  The ego is naïve despite its pretentiousness.  It pompously demands proof of the obvious, and in doing so, it is slyly nonintegrous.  It could be best described as sophomoric in its facile solutions and self-importance.

The ego feels threatened by common sense and piously recites how society has been mistaken in the past.  In so doing, however, it does not cite examples of common sense at all but instead cites historical examples of faulty collective ego positions.

From I: Reality and Subjectivity, ch. 18, pg. 429-430

The God of Love

… the churches no longer emphasize sin and fear. They speak now of the God of Love.

 … Like springtime, the promise of a new era in man’s understanding of God is emerging. Now the level of consciousness of mankind is high enough to be able to recognize the truth of a God of Love instead of worshipping the god of guilt and hate.
Mankind now stands at the great threshold of a real awakening…
… Humanity is now in the process of being reborn, and the God of Joy is replacing the God of dread and fear.
 … Responsibility replaces sin, ethics replace vindictive moralizing, and understanding replaces condemnation…

Divine Grace

We have innate within us a tremendous, intense, powerful devotion. There is in us already, pre-existent, an energy of such enormous power…You won’t find the willingness within the ego structure…The ego, in of itself, cannot transcend itself – it requires the presence of God. It is by Divine Grace one transcends the ego. It is by Divine Grace one moves from mind to no mind. That what you are looking for is not beyond you, it is not something you have to develop. It is not something you have to search for. One only surrenders to that which already exists.

Transcending the Opposites

Q: How does one transcend the opposites?

A: Consciousness does so automatically when understanding occurs through reflection, familiarity, prayer, meditation, or inspiration. It is also facilitated by the words or level of consciousness of the teacher.  What is impossible at one level of consciousness becomes obvious and simple at a higher one.  A human being is both spirit and body; therefore, it is at all times actually existing in both the linear and the nonlinear domains.  The body, unless imbued with consciousness and subjective awareness, is not aware of its own existence.  It takes action only when it is motivated and presented with value, such as the desire for enjoyment in the experience of life.

From The Eye of the I, ch. 20, pg. 386