The Pursuit of Enlightenment

Q: The pursuit of Enlightenment appears to be a very major decision with possible major impact on ordinary lifestyles.

A: … The Self manages the transition. Most questions about adjustments or seeming sacrifices do not take into consideration the power of decision itself, which increases in intensity as the barriers are removed. Devotion dissolves fear, doubt, and hesitation and clarifies uncertainty. Intention also becomes ever stronger as does trust in God…

The evolutionary pathway is self-reinforcing and self-confirming as it progresses. The ‘you’ that anticipates the future now is not the same ‘you’ that will have to later adjust to very different conditions. Identification shifts from the content of personal self to the contextual field of transcendent Self. What is seemingly impossible to the self is easy and simple to the Self.

… Therefore, all anticipations and projections into the hypothetical future are illusory because the Self that emerges becomes progressively dominant and is free of worldly attachments or projected values. … A butterfly no longer needs a cocoon.

… Resistance is to be expected and accepted as an innate quality of the ego. … It does not like to feel out of control or off balance and is thus resistant to being questioned or examined, which is perceived as a potential threat to its sovereignty.

The ego has a vested interest in its positionalities, presumptions, and assumptions. There is therefore an ambivalence regarding change…


Karma Yoga

In addition to inner-directed spiritual effort, the ‘karma yoga’ of selfless service is also supportive of the evolution of consciousness. Inner satisfaction becomes more important than worldly gain or the desire to control or influence others. Attraction replaces promotion. Eventually, resistances are no longer related to worldly life and its perceived values.
… Pleasure at gain is replaced by gratitude for the unfolding of the inner process itself. The need for externals disappears spontaneously. The evolutionary process requires less and less effort as it becomes a way of being in the world.

… An unseen benefit of spiritual endeavor and evolution is its positive influence on the collective level of human consciousness itself. Each evolving spiritual devotee counterbalances the negative effect of great numbers of people of a considerably lower consciousness level.

From Discovery of the Presence of God p. 100-102

Human Error

The naive seeker is fair game for any and all would be captors via various ideologies through the sheer influence of numbers, persuasion, and charisma. Peer pressure for the gullible is also prevalent so that finding one’s way through the thickets of profuse religious and purportedly spiritual teachings becomes hazardous and problematic. It requires some inner conviction and means of guidance to not follow the throngs of worshippers because the herd instinct is so strong. Surely, one’s mind says to itself, ‘All those millions of people could not be wrong or misled by error.’ To find the answer to this paradox, we merely need to examine the makeup of those throngs of often-zealous believers. That human error is not only possible but also certain and probable becomes evident…

From The Eye of the I  p. 61



There is a normal benign level of pride that is more correctly termed, ‘self-esteem’ or ‘self-care’. This refers to putting one’s best foot forward and normal satisfaction that result from successful effort and achievement.  These forms of positive self-image are the result of effort and are therefore appropriate and not necessarily inflationary to the ego. They have been earned and have a realistic foundation.

Pride as a spiritual defect refers to pridefulness as an attitude and a positionality. It is an arrogance that can apply to beliefs, thoughts, opinions, and the general attitude of being better than others.  This is an over evaluation of self-worth and is commonly referred to as egotism. Since it is not based on accomplishment and is unearned, it is fragile.

From I: Reality and Subjectivity, ch 12, pg. 266

The Light of Truth

Spiritual evolution occurs as the result of removing obstacles and not actually acquiring anything new. Devotion enables surrender of the mind’s vanities and cherished illusions so that it progressively becomes more free and more open to the light of Truth.

Illumination refers to those spiritual states where sufficient barriers have been dropped, either deliberately or unconsciously, so that a greater context suddenly presents itself, and in so doing, illuminates, clarifies, and reveals an expanded field of consciousness actually experienced as inner light. This is the light of awareness, the radiance of the Self that emanates as a profound lovingness.