Everything Merely “is as it is”

Value, from the ego’s viewpoint, is an emotionalized mentalization, and Reality does not require mentalization.  With humility, one can honestly state and witness that everything merely “is as it is,” independent of projected worth.  Its intrinsic “value” is that it “is”; that is, existence is complete within itself and is not needful of projected nominalization as “special.”  When the Divine Essence of All of Creation shines forth without obstruction, then the ego/mind goes silent in awe.

Daily Reflections from Dr. David R. Hawkins, Pg. 152

The Value of Knowing How to Surrender…

The value of knowing how to surrender is that any and all feelings can be let go of at any time and any place in an instant, and it can be done continuously and effortlessly.

What is the surrendered state?  It means to be free of negative feelings in a given area so that creativity and spontaneity can manifest without opposition or the interference of inner conflicts.  To be free of inner conflict and expectations is to give others in our life the greatest freedom.  It allows us to experience the basic nature of the universe, which, it will be discovered, is to manifest the greatest good possible in a situation.  This may sound philosophical, but, when done, it is experientially true.

Daily Reflections from Dr. David R. Hawkins, pg. 142

We Become Strong by Supporting Strength

We cannot become strong by catering to human weakness.  We become strong by supporting strength.  We become dynamic when we support the aliveness of others.  We become beautiful when we support the beauty of life.  If we are truly coming from the heart, we don’t have to worry about success.  The world will love us, be loyal to us, support us, and forgive us all kinds of mistakes.  If we treat all of our customers like royalty, surprisingly we will find ourselves living a rather royal life.

Daily Reflections from Dr. David R. Hawkins: 365 Contemplations on Surrender, Healing, and Consciousness pg. 139

The Intent of Meditation

The intent of meditation is detachment, especially detachment from the notion that thoughts are “mine” or represent “me.”  In Reality, they are merely “its,” as is the mind itself.  The idea of ownership arises from the personalization of these thoughts due to familiarity because the mind (like a camera) was present to record these past thoughts, events, and memories.  However, it recorded them only because they were imbued with importance.  Note that little roadside detail is recalled from a boring cross-country drive.  The mind’s inner camera records what is valued.

The Ego is Not the Real You, pg. 67

How Does Devotion Come to Be a Dominant Quality?

Accept that one is attracted by the destination rather than propelled by the past.  The evolution of consciousness is one’s karmic inheritance because it is a quality innate to human consciousness itself.  Courage arises from commitment and integrity of alignment and dedication.  A valuable characteristic of dedication is felicity, which eventually becomes empowered as a quiet but persistent inner fervor.  The value of watchful witnessing is that even just awareness of an ego defect tends to undo it.  By surrender and prayerful invocation, Divine Will facilitates transition from the lesser to the greater for the Self effortlessly supports and energizes intention.  The Self is like a magnetic attraction by which the personal will is progressively surrendered and resistance is weakened.  Thus the pathway itself is self-fulling, gratifying, and reveals progressive rewards.  Each step, no matter how seemingly small, is equally valuable.

Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: 2006 edition, Ch. 22, pg. 364-365