A Positive Thought

A mind that is concentrated on a positive thought has the power to increase the likelihood that the positive thought will materialize in the world of events.

The most successful people in the world are those who hold in mind the highest good of all concerned, including themselves. They know that there is a win-win solution to every problem. …A feeling of personal fulfillment comes naturally from their positive contribution to the lives of others.

Letting Go Card Deck

For more information about this passage, go to the Letting Go book: Ch. 19, pg. 293

For Negativity to Apply to Our Life…

We are only subject to a negative thought or belief if we consciously say that it applies to us.

For negativity to apply to our life, we must first subscribe to it and, secondly, give it the energy of belief.   If we have the power to make negativity manifest in our life, obviously our mind also has the power to make its converse come true.

New! Letting Go Card Deck

For more details on this passage: Letting Go: the Pathway of Surrender book, pg. 62-63

The Basic Rule

The basic rule of the psychic universe is that “Like attracts like.”

Similarly, “love promotes love,” so that the person who has let go of a lot of inner negativity is surrounded by loving thoughts, loving events, loving people, and loving pets.

an inspiriational card from  the New: Letting Go Card Deck

Added details: “Because emotions emit a vibrational energy field, they affect and determine the people who are in our lives.  Life events become influenced by our repressed and suppressed emotions on the psychic level. Thus, anger attracts angry thoughts.” The basic rule…   Letting Go book, pg. 19

Picture It Being Similar to the Wheel of a Ship

Although letting go seems simple and easy, it’s ultimate effects are profoundly powerful.

We can picture it being similar to the wheel of a ship.  If we make even a one-degree change in the compass, we will notice little difference, but that change will end up taking us to a very different place many miles from our original course.

Letting Go card deck

To find out more about this quote, go to Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, pg. 237, ch. 37

Notice and Accept…

Notice and accept what your feelings are about a situation, and then proceed to clear them as a priority rather than indulge them emotionality.  Go within yourself and acknowledge negative feelings as they arise.  Let them come up without suppressing them and without venting them.  Then shift your attention from the feelings to something else.  Let the feelings be there and let them go.

New! Letting Go Card Deck

For more details on this passage: Go to Letting Go Book, pg. 320-321

Every Gift Returns to the Giver

Everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the beauty and harmony of the world by showing kindness to all living things.

That which we freely give to life flows back to us because we are equally part of that life.  Like ripples on the water, every gift returns to the giver.

New! Letting Go Card Deck -published Dec. 26th!

For greater detail about this quote, go to Ch. 12, pg 173 in the Letting Go book

Love Illuminates…

Love illuminates the essence of and, therefore, the lovability of others. This is because love opens the heart.

The mind thinks and argues, but the heart knows and continues…The mind can be critical and disagree, but the heart is loving no matter what.  The heart does not put any conditions on what’s out there.  Only the mind does that.  Love makes no demands.



New! The Letting Go Deck: 44 Inspiritional Cards to Experience the Power of Letting Go

(a companion to Letting Go book and The Letting Go Guided Journal

more details about the passage: Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender pg. 180.

The State of Acceptance

In acceptance, we enjoy the experience of harmony.  We feel as though events are flowing.  We feel secure.  We can be of service to others without a feeling of self-sacrifice.  There is the feeling:  “I’m okay,” You’re okay,” and “It’s okay.” It’s a feeling of belonging, connectedness, fullness, loving, understanding, and the feeling of being understood.  It is a feeling of caring, warmth, and self-worth.  Because of the security of this state, we can allow ourselves to be soft, mellow and natural.  There is a joy, and we feel “in tune” and relaxed.  There is the feeling that it’s all right just to be ourselves.

…There are many pathways that carry us to the state of Acceptance, and this is the gateway which leads eventually to the next highest states, described as the consciousness levels of love and peace. To many people who have been surrendering for periods of time, this ultimate objective progressively supersedes all others.  To dwell in states of unconditional love and imperturbable peace becomes the inner aim, more important than any other achievement.

Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, pg. 165-167

Imperfection Exists Only in the Mind’s Thoughts

The perceptual world is formed out of familiar forms and images held together by belief systems and energized by emotions.  Whether the object or situation is loved or hated, feared or admired, seen as ugly or beautiful, depends on the observer.  Such qualities do not exist in the world.  Adjectives have no actual existence or reality.

As consciousness evolves to higher levels, the world changes in appearance and behavior.  As consciousness reaches the levels which calibrate in the high 500’s, the beauty and perfection of the world shine forth with divine Radiance as the core of its existence.  All apparent form and separateness begin to disappear, and everything is seen to be connected and continuous with everything else.  One is then the witness to the endless miracle of timeless creation.  Everything is viewed whole, perfect and complete. With the realization of self-identity, everything is seen to be absolutely perfect in its expression of divine essence.  Imperfection exists only in the mind’s thoughts.  No imperfection exists in the world as it is.

The Eye of the “I”: From Which Nothing is Hidden, 2001, Ch. 12, pg. 191-192

The Purpose of Human Life

In my view, the purpose of human life is to serve God, to serve humanity, and to serve yourself; to be a channel of God’s will for the good of all of mankind, as well as your own evolution.  After all, you are part of mankind, so don’t leave yourself out.

It isn’t you versus mankind; you are part of mankind.  So, in serving mankind, you serve yourself as well.  The purpose of human life, then if that’s what it is, is then the fulfillment of one’s destiny – and you fulfill that by service to yourself, God, and fellow man.  Love now becomes a quality instead of an emotion.  You see people think of love: “Oh Babe, you can’t see how I love you.” Love is a way of defining one’s own reality.  It’s equality. It’s because of lovingness that you step over the black beetle because you appreciate the gift of life – because love is valuable.  Love of quality, the essence, and the good.  And all of this, as we said earlier, affects how you see and experience the world.

from: In the World But Not of It, pg. 66

Appreciate That Every Step Forward Brings Benefits to Everyone

As you advance spiritually, it brings a value to everyone, to every human being.  Because of the collective unconsciousness, every single person who improves helps to elevate the level of consciousness.  And as that elevates, the incidence of war, suffering, ignorance, savaging, and disease diminish.  When you advance yourself, you’re helping everybody appreciate that every step forward benefits everyone.  One’s spiritual dedication and work is a gift to life and the love of mankind.  It’s nice to know that what you think you’re doing only for yourself is actually benefiting everyone around you.  To be kind to just one living being benefits everyone.

The Wisdom of Dr. David R. Hawkins: Classic Teachings on Spiritual Truth and Enlightenment, Pg. 198

Everything Merely “is as it is”

Value, from the ego’s viewpoint, is an emotionalized mentalization, and Reality does not require mentalization.  With humility, one can honestly state and witness that everything merely “is as it is,” independent of projected worth.  Its intrinsic “value” is that it “is”; that is, existence is complete within itself and is not needful of projected nominalization as “special.”  When the Divine Essence of All of Creation shines forth without obstruction, then the ego/mind goes silent in awe.

Daily Reflections from Dr. David R. Hawkins, Pg. 152

The Value of Knowing How to Surrender…

The value of knowing how to surrender is that any and all feelings can be let go of at any time and any place in an instant, and it can be done continuously and effortlessly.

What is the surrendered state?  It means to be free of negative feelings in a given area so that creativity and spontaneity can manifest without opposition or the interference of inner conflicts.  To be free of inner conflict and expectations is to give others in our life the greatest freedom.  It allows us to experience the basic nature of the universe, which, it will be discovered, is to manifest the greatest good possible in a situation.  This may sound philosophical, but, when done, it is experientially true.

Daily Reflections from Dr. David R. Hawkins, pg. 142