Dedicate one’s actions

Meaning is defined by context, which determines motive. It is the motive that establishes spiritual value.  To dedicate one’s actions as a service of love to life is to sanctify them and transform them from self-seeking motives to unselfish gifts.  We define excellence as dedication to the highest standards.  Every act can then be held as an opportunity to glorify God by sheer purity of endeavor.  All physical tasks and labor can be ingredients in one’s contribution to the world.  Even the smallest task can be seen as serving the common good, and if viewed in that light, work becomes ennobled.

How life is contextualized can bring either joy or resentment.  Begrudging is replaced by generosity.  If others benefit from one’s efforts, so much the better.  Everyone has the opportunity to contribute to harmony and beauty by kindness to others and thereby support the human spirit.  That which is freely given to life flows back to us because we are equally part of that life.  Like ripples on the water, every gift returns to the giver.  What we affirm in others, we actually affirm in ourselves.

from The Eye of the I, ch. 5, pg. 106-107

2 thoughts on “Dedicate one’s actions”

  1. thank you, thank you from the heart for your blessing word, still and forever true end lives. With profound gratitude for continuing guidance.

  2. Today I am reading this in the context of how I view the gifts of others to others. This reading provides an option, an opportunity, a new way to contextualize this way of watching others in their interactions with others. Whereas before, I have judged myself as being judgmental of the acts of others… now I see that I can choose to view them as giving with the intention of love to support life. I can choose to perceive this even if I’m not sure they hold this intention consciously or not. I can choose to see all people as giving lovingly to life, all the time, through every act.
    I thank Thee Lord for this delightful option of perception. I thank you, Susan and Dave, for being vehicles for its delivery.

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